Girls/Women: Is it just me, or do periods suck?

I feel so disgusting when I carry them. Yuck. I mean, we aren't have babies until we're like 20, right? So why can't our time of year wait?

How can l lose lubricant on my back?

Periods are solely as good or as doomed to failure as YOU make them – it is really no coincidence that ethnic group who have well-mannered attitudes towards menstruation actually savour menstruation.

If you have a doomed to failure attitude towards your period later of course they are going to seem to be bad to you. Society teach girls and women that menstruation is dirty so they should feel dirty when they are menstruating; if you are accepting of that myth next you are taking on that idea for yourself and so making yourself grain dirty. Just as the idea of menstruation human being painful is something you control, not because of mind over event or similar but simply because if you are willing to adopt it should be painful next you will not be willing to swot how to prevent them.

I LOVE MY PERIOD – I don't feel disgusting, nor do I suffer sore periods or inconvenience in the slightest, I hold found ways of dealing with and enjoy my period.

Why do I return with so sleepy when I go outside within the sun?

they suck Royally

I'm 16 and almost 5', am i done growing?

um like, 20 is with the sole purpose a year from 19, so yeah I guess thats like soon right? So resembling uhm yeah it's gay and yeah

what does it mean if you have sex the night beforehand and there's for a time blood and a thick clear discharge?

Yes i really do disgust periods


It’s that time again. You surface kinda achy. Your fuse is not a centimeter long. Your significant other has already stocked his bomb shelter because he know it’s coming, too. Chocolate becomes a trunk staple in your diet, and Midol is your best girlfriend. You money homage to the gods of Always and Playtex, hoping they will retrieve you and your panties from the Curse of Eve. Aunt Flo has come to stop by. You’re surfing the Crimson Tide. All you want is for this week to be over, so you can go more or less your life lacking being doubled over by cramps, worrying roughly leaks, and worrying if the woman subsequent to you in the stall hear the crinkle of your tampon wrapper. Sometimes, do you wonder, as you lay on the couch in your sweat pants, if it really have to be this way?

For hundreds of years, a woman’s menstrual cycle have been a unconscious occurrence for grown women. Every twenty-eight days or so, she begins to bleed through her vagina, and she does not die. It have been a mystery for generation before us why we bled. For some cultures, a girls menarche, or first length, signified becoming a woman, thus gaining adjectives the responsibilities and privileges being a woman entail. A woman’s period be noted to follow the cycles of the moon, and for some cultures, menstruation was an event to be speckled. However, for some cultures, it represented a time of unseemliness, where a woman’s body be defiled by the blood exiting her. This is remarkably true of cultures who largely ascribed to Judeo-Christian religions, as all of their text define menstruation as a extent of uncleanliness.

Over the years, women have be told that their monthly blood was filthy, shameful, or even evil. Our culture has promoted the thought of our blood’s dirtiness, offering fragranced tampons and pads, douches and feminine sprays, adjectives of which harm the graceful pH balance of our genitals. Girls and women are made to dream up that nice girls don’t touch themselves “down there, “ and thus are told to use something that they can use and throw away minus touching themselves or the blood. While some women still think their length is evil (but not in alike way) , many of us merely construe of it as an inconvenience. However, we all still save it under wraps, keeping our monthly time a shameful private.

However, is menstruation shameful from a Neo-Pagan perspective? We know that the text-book menstrual cycle follows a twenty-eight day shape of a follicular stage (ripening ovaries) , ovulations (release of an egg) , a luteal stage (egg travels towards the womb) , and menstruation (the shedding of the blood lining of the uterus) . It have been noted over the centuries that the moon also follows a twenty-eight morning pattern, near four phases: new moon, wax, full moon, and waning. Cultures own often compared a woman’s cycle to the cycle of the moon. Women’s cycles enjoy linked them to the moon and surrounded by doing so- connecting them with the Goddess. Hence, oodles women call their time of year their “moontime.”

A number of women has reclaimed their cycle from the adjectives notion that one’s period is something to be ashamed of. The Pagan community is no exception. Neo-Pagan women have begun celebrate their menses as a time of empowerment, a symbol of their ties to the Goddess, and as a symbol of their femininity and fertility. Some of the ways they celebrate it can field from ordinary, to a bit unique.

A Pagan friendly approach of celebrating your menses can be immensely ordinary: using more earth-friendly products to lift care of your moontime. It is a prearranged fact that commercial tampons and pad go through a chemical bleaching process that may exit behind carcinogenic dioxins. Tampons made beside rayon have be shown to harbor the bacteria that cause Toxic Shock Syndrome (staphylococcus aureus) and promote growth. Some change because central feminine hygiene companies promote shame in one’s period. Others information the overflowing of landfills with non-biodegradable plastics. (On a side register, these women are often central proponents of cloth diapers as well.) Some earth-friendly, women-friendly products are reusable cloth pad, organics tampons, and reusable menstrual cups (The Keeper, The Diva Cup, or the Moon Cup) .

Another popular things going around Pagan circles is menstrual rites. One type of menstrual rite marks a girls menarche as her pathway into womanhood, and a rite of passage is perform to note her transition. Rituals such as this can change with their content. Some contribute the now-woman a new magical identify, some have her mother taking her away from the others and giving her the facts of enthusiasm, some have her unsullied blood buried in the top soil, some take her toy dolls from her to signify her departure childhood.

A second rite involves a woman’s already begun cycle. In times gone by, cultures have erected “menstrual huts” where on earth menstruating women congregate in segregation from the rest of their families and friends. For some cultures, it be to hide away an filthy person, or others, it be to contemplate their powers that linked them to the unexplained. Many Neo-Pagans now erect menstrual huts, from pup tents to flamboyant lodges, to contemplate their own inbuilt power and connection beside the Lady. A popular hut has be erected at the Pagan Spirit Gathering performed by Circle Sanctuary contained by Ohio, and it is not just for contemplation, but for support from menstruating and non-menstruating sisters. While complete isolation is impracticable in today’s busy world, plentiful Pagan women isolate themselves for a period of time to meditate, or even execute magic due to the length of high power.

More artistic Pagan women own taken to the canvas to get down their moontime. Menstrual painting have emerged as a creative mode to express oneself. Some mix their monthly blood with acrylic clears to prolong it’s half-life and prevent odor after it dries. Many works of art, Pagan and not, enjoy been created by menstruating women. However, still unaccepted by a culture that believes menstruation is ‘icky, ’ menstrual art is habitually attacked as unsanitary and distasteful. However, it is online and thriving. Current menstrual artists can be found by googling blood_art.

I know there are women out near who feel their cycle really is a curse, near reason. Those who suffer from endometriosis, dysmenhorrhea (painful periods) , nausea, and the resembling, have a devout reason to not resembling their period, as it brings them great stress. Some are help by going on the Pill and its variants, others must be wait out, or surgically corrected. I implore those who may suffer from these things that they desire medical help. Pagan spells and rituals are not a substitute for your doctor’s sustain. We understand that your term may not be a blessing to you because of these problems.

In conclusion, I find that Pagan women can and should break free from the stereotype that our blood is shameful. Our moontime is a very special entry for some of us, and it should be celebrated as an expression of our ties to the Goddess and as life bringers. If you don’t choice to celebrate by rituals and rites, maybe consider switching to a more eco-friendly menstrual pad, or cup. If you decision to celebrate your body beside the Gods and your sisters, perform rituals, sing, and rejoice that you are Goddess. Perhaps receive creative with that blood. Mix it beside water and nurture it to your plants (they will thank you for it!) . But remember, it is of the Divine Feminine, and should be treated as such.

Celebrate your blood, celebrate your power, and delight you.

What treatments can I get?

They do enjoy a pill on the market today that simply allows a woman to have a time twice a year. And yes periods few and far between a pain surrounded by the rump.

Thong underwear?

ye there is some mode to skip them though not sure how an i duno if its safe

Lots of bleeding after masturbating??

I touch you on that one I mean I`m gonna hang around til I`m older to hold one so why get geared up now dont get hold of me wrong I want kids but when my period comes so does a bunch of other stuff and the boys go and get nothing you know we should trade especially next to childbirth

Hey girls! tampons??

Shew i know what you mean ugh! and they do suck!

Do Push Up's work your adjectives the muscles in your arms?

I agree..period totally suck majorly!! They should wait til we're prepared to have if lone mother nature would listen lol

Why do some women when they hold sex they never reach their organism, but they can hold kids? are they medicin

i hate my extent too! i feel disgusting when i hold it.yuck!

What are these pains in my breasts?

I HATE PERIODS! At camp I get mine and I had the worst migraine and I be like puking!! ugggg when they saw women win I presume it's a total lie. But women do win in some manner of way but when it comes to period.. THEY ARE EVIL!!

does pregnancy?

i fell the same passageway.i hate have my period

I enjoy to provide AETNA with 3 mths of conservative treatment.?

ugh antipathy it

What could be the cause of vagaina discharge?

yes period do suck!! but o gurl when u dont get hem dont we bring worry.esp if we kno we freshly had sex

Missed Period or completely worried at least?


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