Constipation? one friend is constipated
haha and i gave her this stuff to generate her poop and she still didnt.what shuld i do to make her poop


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My personal counsel : drink warm/hot water up to that time she visits the loo.
People don't close to talking something like their bowels with others and constipation can be a taboo subject for lots sufferers. But it needn't be. Constipation is extremely common and your GP, practice nurse or pharmacist will be used to dealing next to patients who are having difficulty beside their bowels on a daily justification - it's just sector of the job for them - so please don't permit your embarrassment deter you from seeking assist.

Most people will aim advice from their pharmacist in the past coming to see their doctor and this can be tricky - discussing your bowel actions near a pharmacist in front of a crowded shop is shameful! Fortunately a growing number of pharmacies, particularly the generous chains, are now setting aside consulting areas where on earth you can discuss your problem with the pharmacist. Just ask if you can own a private word with the pharmacist.

Should I see my doctor?
Around 3 out of 4 citizens with constipation never see, or necessitate to see, their doctor and decades of use have shown that self-treatment beside over-thecounter constipation remedies is both suitable, gentle and influential. That said, there are some cases that may benefit from medical input and the following groups should wish advice from their GP:

Men and women over 50 where on earth the constipation is a new problem and where on earth it has be going on for more than a month - a change of bowel need like this can be a sign of underlying bowel problems that may warrant further investigation. In most cases it will be definitely nothing to verbs about, but better safe and sound than sorry.

Anyone with a strong family connections history of bowel cancer (a sibling, or parent who has have the condition) who has developed constipation not long and where it have lasted for more than a month.

All children - constipation is adjectives in children, in particular the under fives, but in that is more to treatment than dietary advice and laxatives. Children recurrently get stuck into a cycle of constipation and it is best to hope the advice of a GP in the region of how to encourage your child to enjoy a regular bowel habit.

Anyone whose constipation is accompany by discomfort (tummy pains) or rectal bleeding (any blood loss from your back passage). What just about dietary measures? Assuming that you don't fit into any of the above groups, your first priority should be to take a punctilious look at your diet.

Try and increase your fibre intake to 30 grams a afternoon (nearly twice the recommended daily intake). Your practice nurse may know how to provide you with a booklet detailing the fibre content of adjectives foods but as a rough rule of thumb you should increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables (leaving the skin on where possible), switch from white bread to elevated fibre wholemeal types, and put away a portion of high cellulose cereal (bran based) every morning. Children under 16 should aim for around 20 grams a hours of daylight (baked beans are an excellent source of fibre - nearby is as much as 5 grams in a right serving). High fibre diets can sometimes aggravate constipation, specifically in the elderly, and if this happen you should seek medical guidance.

The other useful, and regularly forgotten, self-help measure is to drink plenty of fluid. If you become parched your body will take excess fluid from the bowel making your stools firmer, harder and more difficult to intervene. Aim for an intake for at least 2 litres a light of day - any type of drink, including tea and coffee, will count towards this total.

Do you think the aim why my period don't come on every month is because my tubes are tied?

Well, what did you bequeath her? If it was medication, consequently don't give her anything else chemical. Wait awhile. If it doesn't work, hold her try hot prune juice or apple liquid, follow with a full cup of water, and later try yoga or sit ups. Anything more harsh could offer her diarrhea. Good luck.

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your 'friend'.
First past its sell-by date you should eat decent, many green vegetables, also products that are soaring in fiber.
Also you can buy fiber caplets, wafers (which bite actually relatively good) and powder that will naturally security your bowels.

If you want a more immediete route, you can take a saline laxative, such as milk of magnesia which will work in almost 2-3 hours.
If you're looking for immediete relief, jump get an enema at the drug store.

I get a pimple which is intact on my chest from past 6 months? plz serve.?

Drink lots of water, drink more fiber, get more exercise (walking is great!).

My husband and I aligned a low carb diet in Dec. and he have lost 60 lbs and I have bungled agin as always.?

be tight-fisted not to give her to copious stimulants she can get lots of cramps.. the best approach is to take a crude laxative and let it lift it's course. caster oil is devastating but it can also work.

anyone else experience this pain?

First bad what did you give her for a Bowel Movement (BM)? If it be an over the counter medication such as correctal & she took the recommended dosage and is still constipated she may want to seek medical guidance. Does she feel bloated and mortified or just didn't enjoy a BM when she normally think her body should have? Some empire are obsessed w/ have BM on a regular schedule but some relatives's bodies are not this way. Alot can supply to constipation, stress, anxiety, bowel obstruction, etc...
I would requirement more details to give an erudite answer

I'm a virgin but I think I enjoy an infection?

Why does your friend need your support to poop?

Bruised breast due to someone biting it, is it bad?

Have your friend drink a cup of apple juice every year.

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