Older women, please.?

If you have reach, or gone through menopause, what happened exactly? Did your period become more frequent and then purely stop? Or what? Did you ever wonder if you were pregnant at 50? Pain? Crampiness? Please share. I inevitability voices of experience!

Please answer this i am worried can i be pregnent if?

It certainly varies from woman to woman but I'll tender this a shot.
Hold that thought, gonna post then cut.
A friend of mine started having period, normal period, every two weeks. I went the different way and have short periods every six weeks.
We both have the crampy, yuck feelings that go with them.
For her, after just about a six months of this, the periods spread out to game mine, but by that time, I was have very little surrounded by the way of them.
She go for about a year have light ones, later started skipping months. This went on for something like another year before she finally stopped for suitable.
I on the other hand, experienced this 'stopping' sooner than she did. I'd be in motion two or three months without one afterwards have a drastically light one, a short time ago enough to pizz me sour. (The kind that are too bedside light to really do anything about, but too beefy NOT do anything about). Then it'd be another four months and I'd have for a while spotting. Then another six months and while I'd get crampy, nought would happen. Then, they merely disappeared!! It's been almost two years immediately and I don't miss them a bit!
I never worried about the pregnant point since I had a tubal years ago. But she wondered roughly speaking it a few times, right around the dates she used to start she'd start response yucky and wonder about it. She never be though and she took more than one HPT to make sure.

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I haven't gotten here yet. But I'm rubbin' up so close to 50, I can hear it squeak!

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I have treated lots of women who are going through menopause and the symptoms are so unfixed and individual it is difficult to give a specific answer.
Some women's period literally just stop and they own no symptoms (although some do a pregnancy test freshly to be sure).
Some can have irregular period for several years which tend to be heavy and sometimes itchy.
Other symptoms may include hot flushes, vaginal dryness, indigestion, weight gain, etc.

Please remember HRT newly delays the beginning of menopause and when you come off it, symptoms will resume.

Best wishes.

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