Is 1mg of folic acid good to take.? or is that too much?

I heard if you're trying to grasp pregnant you should take 0.4mg of folic sharp..but the drugstore only have 1mg is that still ok? or too much? and will it cause any mar?


Wow! I have two question in one. I might hold period and i want bra.?

Folic sharp, or folacin, is a coenzyme needed for forming body protein and hemoglobin. Recent investigations show that folic acid lesser amount may be responsible for neural tube defects, a type of birth fault that results in severe brain or neurological disorders. The U.S. Public Health Service recommend that women of child-bearing age take 0.4 mg of folic sharp daily. However during pregnancy it's dose must be raise upto 1.5 mg. Over dosage is OK for pregnant women. Women should continue to bring that dose through the first three months of pregnancy. After it the dose may be reduced to 1.0 mg daily. Folic tart is effective contained by the treatment of certain anemias and sprue. Dietary sources are organ meat, leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grain, and brewer's yeast. Folic acid is lost surrounded by foods stored at room temperature and during cooking. Unlike other water-soluble vitamins, folic bitter is stored in the liver and inevitability not be consumed daily.

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Too Much.
it will brand name your skin black

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i never heard roughly using that to get pregnant

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