whats is the difference?

what is the difference between period and mensturation?
are like peas in a pod or what?


Allergic to Pads/Liners.?


Menstrual Period, Menstrual Cycle


Whats a?

The terms are completely interchangeable. Menstuation is a short time ago the medical term to set down the menses - or bleeding portion of your cycle.

Girls only!?

It's exactly like thing. Just 2 different ways of calling it.

has the teenaged pregnancy rate droppedsince Bush settled to support abstinence merely?


I had a length for 5 days, then it stopped. Then I have spotting of brownish to pink blood, now nought.?

it is the same entry, menstruation is just similar to a formal way of truism it

What Are the symptoms of pregnancy for women that have a tubal ligation?

so silly

Am i pregnant?

it is exactly like peas in a pod

does strivectin work?

same thing

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