Why when we are on our periods why do we get so crabby, emotional, tired, Please help?


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Because we're a bleeding, bloated mess.

I have found a small lump contained by my breast, under the nipple. It's really throbbing.?


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Its a hormone entry. And it sucks. Big time. But then again, its a virtuous excuse to eat chocolate!
If its really impossible, then see your GP because within are things that can make it better :)

he say he has paperwork on me is this what man together is all going on for?

It's just crazy hormones.

At times approaching this I think it's best to indulge yourself.

Go home, get cozy, put the tv on and guzzle some chocolate!!

I been be having stomach niggle for 4days already of and on, I have the runs also alittle I still can guzzle but

hormones vary lol,

My bf have 4.5 inches penis. tell me ur recoil. he is a sweet guy. is it normal. honestly please?

A surge of Hormones, Try taking evening primrose grease, It has help my pmt a lot

my husband and i are trying to conceive our first. i own been charting EVERYTHING and we hold had no luck aft

i suppose that this has something to do next to not having any activeness and the reason why we capture so crabby is because we have comparatively a lot of hormones flying around lol

I am looking into using mirena IUD as a birth control.?

A womens body is chemically more complicated than a guys.

During the month different hormones, peptieds, and other brain chemicals change surrounded by levels cause all kind of mood changes. During the extent, a sudden change surrounded by hormone leves occurs which have all kind of physiological effects to include mood changes. The effects can swing a bit from women to women.

In short the answer is that you are subject to a large number of chemical balance inside you which affect everything about you, and during a length these change drasticly.

Breats Cancer support?

Speak for yourself, oh crabby one!

Male ObGyn?

What Causes PMS?
Experts say that the definitive incentive of PMS is not yet specified. However, the most likely explanation for PMS is that several women are sensitive to the hormonal shifts that occur contained by the second half of the menstrual cycle.

What Hormones Cause PMS?
PMS most habitually occurs contained by women with run of the mill menstrual cycles. During the normal menstrual cycle, the ovaries cause two main hormones, call estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is made by the ovaries throughout the entire menstrual cycle. It reaches its upmost levels during the second and third weeks and decline during the last week. During the ending two weeks of the cycle the ovaries also make progesterone. The finishing two weeks of the menstrual cycle is called the luteal (secretory) phase.

Both estrogen and progesterone prepare the uterus (womb) to adopt a fertilized egg. Both estrogen and progesterone also affect women's moods.

How Do Hormonal Changes Cause PMS?
The exact cause of PMS is still not set, but researchers believe that PMS symptoms occur because progesterone and estrogen cause change in brain chemicals call neurotransmitters. The most likely neurotransmitters artificial are:

Serotonin: Women with PMS enjoy fluctuations in serotonin level. These changes may produce depression and carbohydrate cravings. Serotonin is made by the body from the amino acid tryptophan.

GABA: GABA stands for gamma-aminobutyric tart. This neurotransmitter is important surrounded by feeling gentle.

Endorphins: Endorphins are important within the experience of pain and pleasure. Estrogen and progesterone amend endorphin levels.

Norepinephrine: Norepinephrine and epinephrine are also neurotransmitters that influence mood. In rider, these substances play a role in blood pressure and heart rate.

Could Calcium And Magnesium Imbalances Be Involved?
Some researchers reflect on that certain imbalance in calcium and magnesium level may trigger PMS symptoms. These two minerals affect nerve cell communication and blood vessel gap and closing. These functions may be involved in PMS symptoms.

Does Stress Cause PMS?
No. PMS is not caused by stress. Women may experience more stress prior to menstruation, and they may bar stress differently during this time, but it is not the cause of PMS. Excessive stress can, however, take home PMS symptoms worse.

I started my period today at arts school.why is my vagina burning (read on)?

Most of the time were crabby is because of our men they drive us nuts. Of course hormones

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cause nobody wishes to * you

I shaved hair around my anus once and presently loads have grown vertebrae and i dont know what to do! anyone have philosophy?

because your a women. its life hope your fella can treaty with it

I finished my term and now it started again. why?

hormones babe them awful bloody hormones honey

Please Help.I little degrading?

its jus the falling level of oestrogen taht cause moodswings - if u really cant cope wiv pmt then turn c the doc re.contraceptive pill this really does help

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its typical 4 all womens..don't verbs if u worry 2 much going on for that ask advice from doctor

Anyone beside an IUD - has your partner ever said they could have a feeling strings when you make love?

its a hormonal article just bring used to it

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