Ingrown hair?

I have an ingrown tresses on the top of my Vag, where my underwear sit and it is so annoying. I hold no idea how to bring back rid of it...and its starting to hurt? Any ideas?

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this bugs me too the tweezers are other in the bathroom at the in position! i find if i exfoliate the skin first and use a new blade i get smaller amount ingrown hairs. 'nads ingrown tresses solution' from supermarkets and chemists helps also but it is a bit costly. im contemplating wax as its meant to closing longer and pervent the pesky hairs getting irrated. if you here a yelp you know what im doing lol ;-)

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just use a stick pen and some tweezers and carefully... scarcely mind you. dig it out. u can customarily open the skin ample to use the tweezers to pull the mane out... make sure its adjectives sterilized and sterilize after i are done.

What's your opinion?

Take a really hot hip bath or shower first, it will loosen the pores and make it easier to take hold of the hair beside tweezers.

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