Why is my girlfriend's vagina so tight when we hold sex?

We have been have sex for a couple years but just recently have she been feeling discomfited pain and soreness when we engage surrounded by intercourse.
When i pull out there is this milky discharge
Does she own a yeast infection?

A bloated mid-section?

feels like an intense itching, burning sensation, localized contained by your vagina and vulva. this itching is not always present, but can get really fruitless, so bad you can hardly meander, let alone ride your bike to the pharmacy or doctor to get it treated.
looks resembling clumpy nasty white stuff. the discharge to ricotta cheese, but it can range from gummy and not clumpy to faintly yellow to slight and clear.
smells like bread or beer. in reality, it smells pretty much exactly like yeast, although the yeast used in brewing and baking is an entirely different species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). no germs could smell like that, so it's a great diagnostic.
if you need comfort just let me know

I meditate im going to narrate my mom...warning?

Tight and white? Hummmmmmm... Get your tongue up surrounded by there and tell me if it chew like Elmer's Glue.

Question more or less tubal pregnancy. Serious answers please.?

its not a yeast infection.
but she might need to see a gyno especially if its a side effect of birth control

Why dont we allow the girls stir bathroom surrounded by roadside when we allow boys surrounded by india?

It seem quite likely... yeast infections rationale tissue swelling as well as discharge and discomfort.

Anorexia and time.?

no clue but thats kinda gross


Where can you take durex ribbed condoms? and is near an age aim to buy condoms?
(Have used tampons before) Hard to take surrounded by this time..?
A Q. almost wax down in good health you know where on earth?
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