Is it normal ?
It is normal to still own period pains when you are pregrant (2months)
Still trying to grasp pregnant?
I had them for the first three months of respectively of my pregnancies. Sometimes the pain be so bad I have to stay in bed. No bleeding, no restlessness. Totally normal.
Question going on for front hip measurement (females)?
Drink more hose, take it effortless and loosen up your pants. It's your belly growing and stretching. I found that more sea and resting helped beside those pains. (I worked on my feet near my first baby)I expect that it is normal. It is markedly important that you explain to your doctor that you are having them though.
Pregnancy is a pretty mortified thing. Make sure you hike a lot, surrounded by a safe place! And spawn sure you drink lots of water. I'm sure you are ingestion right and taking a prenatal vitamin. Congratulations, and good luck.
Should I lose this much cargo?
Yes it's normal. I have them to and my docto told me it was a suitable sign to have mild cramping ,approaching your period. She told me it be probably the embryo attaching itself to the wall of the uterus.