What is going on with my body?

I am 25 and I have a small prickly lump right next to my nipple. Its not genuine big but it hurts and think I may own an infection since i still have milk even though I havent breastfed within over a year and everytime i have sex beside hubby I start bleeding. Have a lot going on and havent be able to stir to the doctor and was wondering if any one could explain to me what is going on.

What is it that my hills at my foot always feel pain when I amble..?

The symptoms of pain and swelling in your breast nouns like mastitis. It is more adjectives while breastfeeding but can occur at other times. Mastitis simply money an infection of the breast tissue. The pain and swelling of mastitis is usually accompany by redness of the artificial areas. Also, a fever will commonly transpire. Itchiness of the Areola and discharge from the nipple are also symptoms that can occur.

I suggest that you arrange to see your GP so that you can be examined. If he decide there is no infection, he will more than predictable want to check your hormone levels.

Tell how to be remain sexualy fit by diet?

go to the doctor as swift as possible.

What does that mean when your vagina is spotting blood everyday?

cancer ?

I havent have sexually inetercousre in 7 months and this month my cycle didnt come wat could be the reason why?

yes dear, you hold a condition known as,"You involve to see a doctor!". And though it's not rare, it can be contagious.

Is it usual to?

You should see your OB. Could be something as simple as mastitis, left over from breastfeeding. Could be a plugged duct. Definitely should hold your doc take a look.

Is the girls hymen ( cherry ) that sensitive?

I'd create the time to go to a doctor until that time what ever it is develops into something even worse.

Sometimes we dont go to the doctor because we dont really want to know whats wrong, but ignore it wont help it.


I simply saw the Colin Farrel home video! Anyone else seen it?

You might really stipulation to go to the doctor for this one.I used to enjoy the bleeding problems and it wasn't really bad.You would hold to get pills for it.So please stir to the doctor.I hope that helps alittle

*Ladies Only* What be your experience with an over muscle breast augmentation?

Get to a Dr. as without delay as you possibly can.

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