Am I less of a lady if I don't wear panty hose? What makes a woman, a WOMAN?

So I had a be at odds with my elder, skinnier, prettier, gym crazed, straight, has it together sister. I'm not resembling her, never was and never WILL be. So why does she turn off and transmit me that I don't take contemplation of myself? We are so different. She's married, has kids, big house and well-mannered career. I'm a lesbian, I enjoy a girlfriend and still live in an apartment.

What make her think it's okay to make clear to me that I don't take thought of myself. I don't wear MAKE UP and I don't wear GIRLY clothes on my free f*cking time. Does that make me smaller number of a woman?

Does having sex hurt?

Panty hose have nothing to do near femininity or being a woman. It's an attitude, more than anything. Sure, lots of women focus on makeup and tresses and frippery, but that's just surface stuff and doesn't really count for much of anything, except keeping the craze industry going.
Womanliness isn't about mortal subservient, either. A solid woman is no one's doormat.
A true question paper of a woman is whether she is caring and compassionate, whether she is valuable by nature, and whether she can be truthfully supportive to those who matter. A solid woman has a apt sense of humor, no matter where on earth she lives, and she's happy to share it beside other people. Even smiles at strangers within the grocery store lineup.
Real women aren't bitchy -- not even to sisters who don't live up to their ideas of what make a woman.
Does that help?

Period.plz solitary girls?

Heck no. You are already a woman, woman.

The song 'London Bridge" by Fergie?

no. You have a vagina right? Well, explicitly what makes you a woman!


I'd vote that if you've got a vagina, you're a woman. However, going makeupless and wearing non-"GIRLY" clothes does (in my opinion) make you give the impression of being less feminine. My appearance help me to define my masculinity, and it's one of the ways I express my womanhood to others.

What do i do to get cramps to progress away?

you got a vagina right afterwards your are a women no matter what is said

Dry skin?

you're more of a authentic woman then your sister because you aren't influenced by every little trend in the most recent VOGUE or the latest outfit Beyonce is wearing.. you're your own character with your standards, style, and representation. tasteful dinnerware and celine dion on cd do not make her a woman.

not every woman is a desperate housewife cookie cutter martha stewart wanna be. so don't stress in the region of it.

she may act this opening because she is jealous of your freedom, nouns and your "to hell with it" outlook on vivacity so try not to be too hard on her.

live as you want and try to forgive her for her remarks, life is too short for impossible feelings.

A sharp twinge during sex.?

Not at all. Being a woman is biological! If you are born near the parts that make you a woman, next you are.

It sounds to me that this debate runs deeper than the surface argument, and she is hiding her real thoughts. It give the impression of being to me that her disappointment about your dress and clothing are mortal used as a smoke-screen either for her own inadequacy, or maybe even just about your sexuality.

If you value the relationship near your sister then perchance you could meet on indistinct ground and discuss your feelings roughly speaking the way she react about how you chose to live your duration.

I'm, sorry that you're having to concordat with this, and for the transcription there is nil wrong with living in an apartment, or any of the other choices you enjoy made in your energy. You have appropriate qualities, purely the same as her, possibly try to see each others correct qualities.

Wishing you lots of luck.

Is within anyone allergic to their own pee?

Good for you. Don't let anyone turn you into something artificial.

Personally, I hold always be more attracted to women who did NOT do what your sister wants, nouns up on makeup, waste hours getting their coat perfect. However, I do close to healthy so exercise is correct.

Why do u come on ur period twice a month?

Maybe your sister is really of late jealous of you? From what you described she sounds resembling one of those people near a "perfect life". She go to the gym to get skinny, feel the need to wear girly things and spend hours on mascara and hair. If that make her feel angelic then great but possibly she also does it to impress people. Here you are not bound by the medium's definition of beauty. Not tied down by the unfaultable everything. Yet you sound to be comfortable next to yourself? Obviously this is her problem not yours. There is no definition on HOW to be a woman only you be born as a woman. Maybe your more of a woman that you can be secure near yourself with out adjectives the superficial things in life. So enlighten your sister to get a grip and stick her lip stick where on earth the sun don't shine.

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ur the man contained by ur relationship? well gothic girls (i'm partly) we never wear girls skirts and crap. seriously when i touch somthing p!nk, it burns! capably it wouldn't hurt to go goth for a while or wear a bedside light make up i guess..

Girls does sex hurt your first time and do you bleed.?

I am married, near 3 kids. I have NEVER be a girly, girl. Dresses are awful, make is simply worn occasionally, panty hose --who needs it! Doesn't form me any less of a woman. I would deem your sister should lighten up.

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