I was told by a doctor, I couldn't be having heart problems if I was still having my period. is this true?

it felt resembling someone reached their appendage into my chest and squeezed the buttom of my heart. But the doctor i saw afterward told me if i was still menstruating, There couldn't be anything wrong beside my heart. He made me feel really stupid for even going to a doctor. I can`t bear going to doctors and after what he said to me I am having a complex time getting myself to go see someone else.. Is he right?

at what month do women start producing or releasing milk in pregnancy ?

I'm 45 and be on my period and have a heart attack and this is not to be taken lightly.
it can take place to Meany of us at any time.
the heart is not a respecter of anyone age or color.
be you should be seen by another doctor anyway.
similar to a heart doctor.
and tell him/her everything.

Nervous first-timer?

He's the foundation they have second opinion! What a dumb@$$! You could very okay have something wrong beside your heart or it could be stress related like hypertension or something. Don't consent to him get you down. Go see a different doctor.

How come when i device to find my bra size, it never works..?

You need to hold this checked out. Go to another Dr.
where did he catch his med.degree? Se@*s?!!

Iv in recent times been looking at something call a Mooncup for ladies on periods, what are they close to? good, discouraging?

Get a better doctor, that one is a nut case.
I have bad chest torment when I still had that curse and it be a bad satchel of gas but spent a night surrounded by intensive care because of it. Very costly gas.

Ladies, prior to starting your monthly menstrual cycle do your nipples become strong?

No - he is wrong.

Menstrual blood loss can cause women to become anaemic.

Anaemia can place extra demands on the heart

The extra demands can effect chest pains.

However, in a fit and healthy youthful woman, this is very extraordinary. I would return to your doctor and discuss this with him/her or probably see another doctor if you wish.

Your doctor is probably referring to the reality that women during their reproductive years are relatively protected from heart disease compared to men of the same age.

However, they are more at risk of anaemia!

If you are looking expressly pale, afterwards I would consider having a blood question paper to check Haemoglobin level.

If you are not looking more than ever pale after perhaps a blood testing might not be needed.

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get a second opinion-you can have heart problems at any age

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