What is the safest form of birth control side effects wise.Did you ever take one without getting side effects?


Where in the world is the G-spot!?

Condoms. Tell him to shut up and DEAL next to it, lol.

Girls only?

It could be at variance for all women. You call for to find out which one is best for you. The best way to find out is by trial and error. Good luck.

When will I find my period if I stop taking birth control pills after taking them for lone 2 weeks?

Safest are abstinence or balustrade methods (condoms).

Abstinence is also 100% effective. Condoms are smaller number effective within preventing pregnancy.

Eating curd regularly ,also cause pimples ans by doc?

For women who own never had a little one: Nuva Ring has the lowest occurance of side effects, is the easiest, and the most important.

For women with one or more children: Mirena have the lowest occurance of side effects, is as effective as sterilization, allows your fertility to return to mundane immediatly when u stop using it, you dont have to verbs about messing it up similar to the pill, patch, etc., has a thoroughly low hormone dose, and protects you three ways (thikens your cervix so semen cant get within, releases hormones to keep you from ovulating, and thins uterine lining) Mirena CAN be used if you enjoy never had a tot, but doctors recommend it usually for women who have have a child. Mirena can also lighten your period. There is slight cramping usually right after you get it, I don`t know a little irregular bleeding, buts its overall the safest and most significant form. Talk to a doctor about what is best for you.
Personally, I have no sideeffects from the pill, but I got pregnant on it. My friend get rashes from the patch. Another friend have twins AND triplets from Depo plus it usually makes you gain solidity. I did a lot of research and presently use Mirena and LOOOOOOVE it. If Mirena isnt for you, consider Nuva Ring your nnext best option

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