abnormal uterine bleeding?

After my son was born almost 5 years ago, I go on different birth control pills/patch and kept having spotting between period. OBGYN and I decided I would move about off adjectives of that. It has be seven months now and I own 23-25 day cycles, beside bleeding that can last anywhere from 8-14+ days.not other heavy any, some brown spotting too. I am 35 and would like to possibly own another child. We have basically began trying this second month. I am now on afternoon 10 of my period. Urine oral exam at home was refusal. I am on blood pressure meds and one baby aspirin a afternoon. I am definitely going to see my doc but does anyone on here know anything give or take a few this or had a similar experience? Could it be hormonal, medication, age related? I have had an ultrasound done hindmost when it all be happening and it be normal. I enjoy had adjectives blood tests periodically too, all be normal (except she hadn't checked my hormonal level). If it is hormonal, and I embezzle something for it, can I still become pregnant

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I hold a similar problem, with long cycles. It may enjoy to do with your luteal phase anyone insufficient (the phase of your cycle after ovulation and before your length starts). In my case, I'm through childbearing so it wasn't a concern. In yours, it will be, since the hormones requirement to sustain a certain plane after ovulation in proclaim for the egg to implant.
They did a pelvic ultrasound to rule out endometriosis (abnormal uterine tissue growth outside of the uterus) and cysts. They also did blood test (iron) and an endometrial biopsy (to check for precancer cells-- important to not be pregnant when they do this one, though). In my grip, they determined it was only just my body being unnatural and I chose to take the Pill to regulate my cycles. You categorically need to see your OB/GYN, your course of treatment will change since you're TTC. I bet your doc can come up with a treatment that works, or even find out in attendance's nothing wrong. Good luck!

Tan Discharge?

It's age related. As you bring older your cycle change.

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abnormal bleeding can be cause by any one of many tons things. What you need to do is go and get to your doctor. Doesn't nec sound hormonal to me..as usually your interval would stop.

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