What if my mom doesnt support me?

I am grateful for all of the advice everyone have given me so far, but everyone is telling me that i should tell my parents that im pregnant. problem is I don't know my dad at adjectives or anyone from that side of my family and my on my moms side of the family adjectives i know is my mom, i've never heard from my grandparents or any of my aunts and uncles. Mainly what im scared of is that my mom might see me out and if she does where would i go, im not sure how she might counter but if she does react like that and see me out what would i do, what should i do?

I posted two other questions today wondering what i should do
Questions I asked Today:

first question i asked:
I muse i'm in an abusive relationship?
My boyfriend and i own been in a relationship for a few months. He's 17 and i only just turned 15. He's one of those guys who's always concerned about who i'm beside and what i'm doing. But recently he's been getting greatly controlling and commanding. He hasn't really hit or punched me but he has grabbed my arm and the posterior of my neck a few times. It makes me be aware of uncomfortable when he does this. I know he doesn't really mean to hurt me or anything but i really desire he would stop. I've told him a few times to stop and he always says he's freshly kidding but sometimes i think he's not. I know this is unpromising but he does drink and smoke and sometimes gets out of control, yell, telling me what to do and stuff like that. He does utter he's sorry when he realizes how he was acting. A few of my friends relay me i should just break up with him but i can't, especially since i found out give or take a few a week ago i was pregnant. I haven't told anyone yet and im not sure how.
I love him to demise and i know he loves me.
im not sure what i should do? advice?

Second question i asked:
How should i notify him im pregnant?
I posted a question about an hour ago asking whether or not i be in an abusive relationship. Everyone said I be in an abusive relationship or what be going to become an abusive relationship. Im not sure what im going to do still but i have established that i was going to tell him that i am pregnant.

Please bestow me advice about how i should make clear to him

Answers:    Ok Hunnie,
Here's the deal...I know it's scary cz you dont enjoy any other family but you still need to inform her, if she decides not to support you, there are plenty of organization that will help you through this and I will be happy to support you surrounded by any way possible. But my advice as far as describing the boyfriend that you're pregnant...well, don't. Who knows how he may counter and you don't want to put you or your baby in an unsafe situation. Please IM or email me, I'd be jovial to talk. But please, know that you have support..
Ok so here are my answers for your first sound out:

Personnally, i think you should break up with him if he continues to clutch your arm and the back of your neck, shriek at you. Tell him to stop and if it gets worse, definitively break up. Its your choice, if you love him more than anything and you dont want to break up, i'd say its a pretty risky situation you enjoy there if you dont break up, but if you do, it's risky too cause he might not filch ''no'' as an answer.
Good luck with that...

My answers to your second question:

You should relay him direclty. Stand in front of him, tell him: I'm pregnant. If you are too shy, distribute him an e-mail or a letter. But you should just dump him and not recount him anything about it the way he treated you. You deserve better, believe me.

And in the region of telling your mom, don't worry, she won't see you out of the house. But if she does, you can always go to a shelter, stay at your friend's house or any relative. If within aren't any shelters around you, go in a hospital or something, they could relieve you. Or you can simply stay with your boyfriend. But it would surprise me if she kicked you out.. i mean, what giving of mother would do that? She would be mad for a few days, but after, she'll calm down.

I hoped i help..
You need to just detail your mom! It is illegal for your to kick you out of the house. She is going to be upset at first, but she will come around. She might even surprise you! My mom and I be talking about that show "The Secret Life Of The American Teenager" and she said that she would support me through everything and would want me to come to her right away. I thought my mom would flip out at me if I told her that I be pregnant as a teenager! You need your mother and if you are the merely family she has consequently she really needs you too and probably won't be able to see you out. She is going to find out anyways when you start showing so you might as well be upfront about it.

Get away from your boyfriend, dump him quit him whatever it takes. You don't want to be bringing up a babe-in-arms at your age with that kind of influence around. And he will solely get worse as he gets elder. Don't even tell him about the toddler. .
well first i would tell your mom and see what happen. because if she doesn't support you but is there for you, then you should hold her there when you tell your boyfriend so things don't bring back out of hand. If she doesn't support you, then conceivably go a doctor for one thing, they could aid you out and you probably should see one soon anyway. i would also maybe have him at the doctors near you. when you tell him make sure its surrounded by a public place where there are folks who could help if he turns to abuse.
best wishes beside your issue.

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