Can you be split/ torn in the vaginal area by intercourse?

I bled slightly after sex Sunday night, and I be in a short time pain (soreness). It didnt come across very rough during the deed, but I started to feel sore afterward. The subsequent time I urinated a few hours later, the toilet hose was fairly red, so I must've bled even more. During the next year I checked the tissue everytime I urinated. I'd see a small spot of red that got smaller quantity noticeable respectively time. The thing is, I dont THINK it be coming from inside of me, but around the vaginal area. I hold an normal physical appointment going on for a wk from now and I'll explain to my Dr, but here wont be any evidence of what I'm telling her. Its over in a minute, but I'd like to know what it be. Any ideas?

My armpits smell adjectives the time and aia don't know what to do anymore! HELP!!?

if you are sensitive or not well lubricated. if teh bleeding stopped I don`t know yuo healed ,but still explain to the doc

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