what is wrong with being HIVpositive and the virus not showing up in your blood stream?

IM HIV positive without the virus surrounded by my bloodstream.

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Ask your doctor.

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I reason that's probably a very biddable thing! It sounds approaching it means that the virus is hiding and resting, and not doing any instantaneous damage. You inevitability to do some research, however, if you do not know what that means. I tight-fisted, real research, from reputable sources, not from citizens who *think* they know what it means, because HIV is not something that's going to freshly "go away," even if it's undectable at this point.

And it's also VERY essential to remember that, if you are positive, you can infect others!

Not fair, I know, but who said time is fair? But please, don't go by it on, as someone did to you. Learn your responsibilities and strengths, and find the information you'll need to preserve you healthy.

Good strength to you!

This looks like a polite place to start, or check the CDC.

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