My sister is 19years behind the times and she is going to college she requirements medical insurance, but she have to wage for it, d

Does anyone know anyone know any low cost insurance companies. She has been have uterus problems aches and pains,she cant see a doctor she says she cannot afford it. I want to support her Im trying to find her a affordable insurance company since the state wont help her.

Could i be pregnant?

Medi-cal is available to anyone under 21, If I'm not mistaken. Look into state assistance, I'm not sure where on earth you live, or I'd tell you more. Take her to a free womens health clinic, conceivably they will see her.

GUYS: Do you resembling girls near: big boobs, big butt, shaved (arms,legs,private), and skinny or not?

She can still be on her parent's insurance, as long as she is under 24 years old and surrounded by school full time. Also, I believe most colleges offer insurance. If she does not qualify next to parents, she probably qualifies for medicare/medicaid.

She could get a undertaking with benefits! Lots of peole work and go to conservatory. This is the best option. Rely on yourself, because I promise the government will consent to you down! It doesn't matter who is in charge or the intention.

Get a errand and pay for the visits.

There are lots of option.

Many people that age "can't afford insurance" or other "necessities", but they can afford to go partying, out to movies and dinner, a nice vehicle, a large tv, etc.

She needs to hold control of her life, and not try to let others rob care of her.

Skipped time of year?

When the hell will it find here?
Face breaking out? Yaz?
Any other women have to stop?
  • I have not staarted my period yet, and I am only 12 is that normal?
  • Help,please??

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