Why exactly do women bring back UTI's?

UTI- Urinary Tract Infection

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Because the urethra, or tube that leads to the bladder, is very short within women 1.5-2 inches (3-5cm). In men the urethra is 6 inches (15cm)

Short urethra means its a much quicker ride from the outside of the body to the inside of the bladder for bacteria. Hygiene does not necessarily play a role contained by whether or not you get UTIs, but you can decrease the probability of getting them by:

-always wipe front to back after using the toilet
-don't wear thongs...they can cause microbes from your anus to travel very easily to your urethra
-pee after sex, so microbes that has been pushed into your urethra can get hold of flushed out
-drink lots and lots of fluids to keep your system flushed
-cranberry juice can be encouraging in making the walls of your bladder become slippery so bacteria can't hold on and set up shop.

No event what some women do, they are just prone to UTIs, others aren't. Follow this advice to fade the risk of getting them.

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UTIs are caused by bacteria. This can be introduced into the body contained by many ways but the MOST common contributing/causal factor for a UTI is not drinking plenty water. When the urine is not diluted enough, microbes and crystals form in it, causing infection and sometimes kidney or bladder stones.

UTIs are vastly common in pregnant women, due to change in ph balance and other factor. Recurring UTIs can be a sign of kidney stones (the infection "lives" in the stones and therefore cannot be gotten rid of until the stones are gone) and should be checked next to a doctor.

By the way, guys get UTIs, too. It isn't lately women.

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Well, the first answer is pretty much on target, so I'll just add: The best path to prevent a UTI is to pee immediately after you have sex. This will rinse out any bacteria away and out of your urethra. Also, make sure that when you poop, you wipe front to put a bet on and not back to front, otherwise, bacteria from your anus/poop can attain into your urinary tract. And lastly, make sure to stay hydrated, drink water and cranberry liquid is said to be very helpful surrounded by not only preventing UTI, but can also help get hold of rid of it if you already have it.

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The #1 reason is ungainly hygiene.

The #2 reason is not cleansing oneself properly following intercourse.

The #3 reason is the body's inability to confrontation infection properly.

The #4 reason is diet.

If you're experiencing repetitive UTI's then you should most particularly see your doctor and determine why and how to correct the problem.

Is this true?

The reason women get them much more commonly than men is because of the close proximity of our "holes"-the vagina, urethra, and anus are all close together, while men's are further apart, and they only own two their urethra is used for sex and urination). Also, women's urethras are much shorter (about 2 inches) compared to a man's (about 6 inches), so the bacteria have much smaller quantity distance to travel.

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All the reasons the first poster put up are correct.

I will note that my wife used to constantly draw from UTIs. There is a home remedy (I'm not suggesting this) that drinking cranberry juice (all-natural) will minimize them, and I do agree it made a difference, but the actual cure was much simpler.

Following intercourse, she would normally just nap / sleep, and urinate much then. We found that if she went to the bathroom shortly after intercourse (doesn't have to be contained by seconds, but within the subsequent 5 or 15 or 20 minutes), it would "clear out" whatever was cause the UTIs. To my knowledge, she hasn't had a UTI for a couple of years since we figure this out. Prior to that, she had them all the time.

So, it's nice to hold a simple solution. Just make a point to go pee after you enjoy fun.

If you're not sexually active, then you'll hold to ask your doctor. I assume improper cleansing after using the toilet might be part of it, but beyond that, I couldn't say aloud.

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I'm just adding to "Brutally Honest's" register, because those are all good answers!

Women also attain UTI's after having a lot of sex. Bacteria and other stuff get pushed inside your urinary tract and gets impacted. Gross huh?

Just drink lots of cranberry juice! :)

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