Why dont women approve porn?

is it because they dont get turned on or is it that they dont get the fancy when ur sperm comes out?

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Some girls don't like that their guy watches porn because to them it feels close to they (the girlfriend) isn't good enough so the guy have to look at other girls. I disagree but some girls are overprotective and feel like the guys is emotionally cheating on them.

Personal request for information, I requirement some backing near please! (Women only)?

They do approve of porn-- probably merely not what you're used to in porn. As proof, look at the "romance" novel industry-- VERY productive.

Most porn that you chew over of as "porn" is made for men, and is purely sexual in nature, short any degree of storyline. Most women are more generally aroused by the storyline and seduction fairly than the physical sex.

Unfortunately, this is what "porn" has come to mean, and is typically regard as vulgar as a result. Hence, women also have a social issue with pornography, because they touch that they are expected not to like it. If exposed to the right variety of porn, I suspect that women would delight in pornography just as much as men-- it would just be at variance than the type of porn that you're used to seeing.


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Most women don't like it because when their boyfriend or husband looks at it it makes them consistency like they aren't good ample or wanted/desired enough. I love porn when I am single and find nothing wrong next to it. But out of respect, I dont' think it should be done while in a relationship unless both party have talked in the order of it and come to an understanding on it. I will watch it next to my boyfriend but only if we rent a dvd or something like that and it is in attendance for BOTH of us to enjoy. But I can't stand when he looks at internet porn because it makes me grain like he doesn't appreciate what I have to proposal or what I have just isn't plenty for him. Thankfully somewhat understands and we are working on the issue. It's all surrounded by either finding a woman who truely doesn't care whether the guy does it or not or finding a woman who will comprimise beside out on it. She needs to feel desired and support and porn takes that way from her and make her think she isn't good adequate and her guy needs the porn just so he can draw from off with her.

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Well it depends on the creature because I like to watch porn, I give attention to its actually really interesting and it turns me on and I think that here nothing wrong with it. What I meditate is that for other women it makes them feel similar to they are just a pet to play around with and it make men think that too about women. It make women feel really low and insecure sometimes, and it makes them green too.

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To those who say, it enhances their sexual experience I voice they live in a shallow loveless world. Sex merely as a form of gratification is hollow and if you have any nature of sense in your worldly mind you would know that something is missing.

Women don't want you to look at other woman in the precinct or while you are on a date, what in the world would make you deliberate she'd want you to see some "actress" get skrewed by two guys at once and take away from what the two of you hold could have together. Sex is also a deeply turbulent experiance if and when two consenting and hopefully married people do it. It's all give or take a few each other, not some sl** taking it in the you know where on earth on the TV screen.

I agree with Louisa C

F****** is for animals, making love is for civilized population. So which are you?

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Well most of us women know that , when a man lust after other women, especially in that magnitude, they are not trustworthy. Often men think it is harmless, but if you in recent times really sit down and think about it, it is only just a "legal" way to commit adultery, in other words. Relationships do not finishing when there is adultery.

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Because porn is pretty much degrading to women... it gives men the theory that they are in control and that everyone woman should do what they want and look the way they want.
It's mentally not angelic for people in some aspects.

If I hear a boyfriend of my watches it, I commonly feel hurt. It sucks. But its life.

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Who say we don't?

I love porn, so long as we are talking hot guys. That is probably where we differ on it.

MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm porn (drools).

Going by the other answers I guess I must appear a bit strange to all the other ladies out there.

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because it is demoralizing. because it is more than simply pornography..it is prostitution, those people made money selling their bodies, they are being salaried for you to use their image in a disgusting display or sexual gratification.

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i intuitively approve it. even i sometimes like too.
i think its of late because they think its wrong to watch it over the computer and purely think its gross.
but i dont know.
im a woman by the way.

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lol when i be younger it grossed me out. especially the really hardcore stuff. but i think for some girls as they get elder and more mature, they may be more open to at tiniest watching it. it's sensual and erotic.

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It's because they show women as sex addicts in unrealistic situations.

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i don't mind it too much. my husband sometimes get real turned on so it makes our time that much better, it also give me ideas and things to try


I do watch porn.

- I dont hold sperm but I sure as hell do get a feeling!

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because its gross and wrong to examine porn.

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id watch porn near my boyfriend.. just no two girls one cup kinda stuff.

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because its gross! aha.

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Because to them its gross?

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