Why did this come up, and what does it denote?

Due to stress I'm guessing, I missed my last period. A week after it be meant to come, I took a pregnancy test which come out negative and the next afternoon I got my period? Is that adjectives? When should I expect my next period? The date of my inspired period .. .or the date after the pregnancy test?

Answers:    Periods regulation up every now and then out of the blue. A week is nought to be concerned about. Your next length might arrive at its usual time, or it might be on a new schedule.

The with the sole purpose time you need to be concerned is if you have have unprotected sex (not just for pregnancy reasons) or if the period earlier was a lot different than usual (more clotting, smaller amount or much more days, etc).

Change up's will happen a few times throughout your life. If you are really concerned, see your doctor. .
some times stress alone can hindrance your period,and after you took the test you be probably relievd and your body just relaxed and fif its natural entry. i cant say on whne to expect you preiod i always move about form the day i start and count 28 , i actually am more of a cycle approaching every 32 days but you should know your avaerage and be able to come pretty close toa ball park date. There are times that your time of year will be late and it might not be pregnancy, it is very adjectives. Expect your period like you usually do. So when your time started, count 28 days (or however long yours usually are).

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