Why are most girls loosing their virginites at 13, 14 and 15?

I dont get it. Why do girls have to a short time ago open their legs to a guy? I mean they right to be heard that "its love" and thats total bullcrap. I mean I'm 14 and I'd never have sex at this age. And if I'm ready to respect myself why cant all these other girls do it too? Later on they regret it and they should have thought roughly it before.

And why do boys always look at girls close to WE'RE ALL hoes. Like they think they have so much power over us and stuff and grasp anything ughh gets me so mad.

Answers:    Ahh I'm 15 and I totally agree next to you!! I'm waiting till at least college, but I'm sure it'll end up mortal to marriage (I can't commit to dying my hair all the same, so I don't even want to think about sex.) It's ridiculous at our age sex should be see as something you do when you are older. Kids are having kids in a minute. It's totally dumb. Most of the guys at my school are like that. They'll pace up to me and say stupid stuff about have sex and treat me like I'm like adjectives the other Whores at my school, but I'm not. It's just so dumb. The virginal relatives need to stick together lol that's my conclusion. Haha...(I hope this made you smile.).
I'm sure not "most" girls that age have done that, but I see your point. I enjoy an 11-year-old sister, and I could NOT imagine her doing that in a few years.

I lost mine lately (I'm 23). I could not imagine doing that at a younger age. I am glad I waited because it be with someone I care roughly speaking, trust, and that I could be with in the long tow, and plus I was fully aware of the experience. It was a highly good experience because it was done primarily out of humanitarian and not just curiousity. At 13-15, one could not possibly have that same inkling..

I'm sure you're being quite substantial with your language.

For your information, I'd say-so girls who do that have a need for attention. Many of them may hold traumatic backgrounds, like childhood treat roughly or something along those lines.

Grow up, learn some stuff, and maybe you'll revise that 1) Not many girls actually do that stuff at such a youthful age and 2) Boys don't always look at girls like you described.

Meanwhile, I'm proud that you don't pass up yourself so easily.
Just don't turn into some sort of ultra-feministic men-hater. :).
I believe you answered your second question near the first part of your posting. The reason guys tend to look at adjectives girls as hoes is b/c most girls are giving away the goods. This is an epidemic that shows little sign of slowing down. The good report is that recent studies show that since 1995, more teens between 13 and 18 are saying they have not have sex (percentage wise of course). Now, this could be totally bogus b/c teens tend to lie just about such things even when they are asked anonymously for whatever reason. But, if you hold stale on the having sex, you will demand guys' respect. When you look subsidise, you'll be proud of yourself for not giving into peer pressure. I know,, its absolutely ridiculous. i believe it has abundantly to do with the lifestyle people are living in a minute the way they spoil there children.. by seeing 5 year olds have pedicures and shampoo and blowdries.. im a hairdresser and it outrages me! I read an article saying it is a pure result of parents spoiling children therefore enjoy nothing else to look forward so sex is the next piece they havent yet done.. its so disgusting to think these are still children! Alot of parents want to wake up.. coz what sort of parent allows there children to be out and nearly having sex at an early age.. BAD PARENTING!.
Well i am 16 and me and my girlfriend enjoy been together since we were 13 and we hold been having sexual contact since later we are really in love and we plan on spending the rest of our lives together...and i don't see any girl has a hoe or a slut we are adjectives equal no matter what gender
If you hold had sex thats just it you own had sex thats it it's not a big deal aslong as its not dangerous sex unless you want to have kids.. Because the world's turned into ****, and its becoming okay for younger girls to engage within sexual intercourse, morals don't exist, parents quit caring, and young women enjoy no respect for themselves. Plus, the media isn't setting the best example. Its the "cool" thing to do..
i agree! i be a sign of i went to a boy scout camp beside my brother my mom and some of his friends and an all girl troop cam by and they started making whooping and hollering at them then they kept wise saying "that's what she said" i found it offensive. and they laughed at me...i'm resembling in my mind what the hell??

my friend wanted me to host an orgy at my house because my family connections was in contemporary york and i live in texas and she was discussion to one of her friends on the phone and they were laughting cuz i was a vigin. that made me silly .

i think we should talk more =D


yeah i totally agree beside u.im 15.waiting for love or w.e..havent done much except for make out and i no alot of gurls who are younger and desperatly want to loose it..i think its unacceptable.and guys shuld respect gurls way more but when most of them are after sex they 4get about respect..i can`t bear sluts.but w.e.s they can do what they want p.s. (im good looking.so its not like icouldnt carry n e) It's virginity, not virginites. I agree, but think to a hundred years ago, girls were getting married and have kids at the age of 14. .
Girls who loose there virginity at that age are just stupid, irresponsible and totally bad there head!! they freshly want to know whats its like

and guys are just perverts so live beside it

if anyone has more questions freshly come ask me.
not all girls who lose it young regret it.
i lost mine at 15 and i've be with the same guy ever since. Though i'm a guy, but i'm also agree next to you...
Its because of stupid sluts like mylie cyrus or what ever her name is, kids hang on to your damn legs shut I treat every individual as equal. And I don't think all girls are hoes..
Honestly, I'm 15 and am not a virgin. I am together beside my boyfriend of 7 months so far and we had most of our firsts [only leaving out kissing] together. We are surrounded by fact, in love, we plan to stay together a severely long time if not for the rest of our lives. I'm glad we lost our virginity to eachother, I wouldn't want it any other way, even if we terminated up breaking up some time in the very far away adjectives, I'm still glad it's him, I wouldn't want it or even imagine it any other way.
Basically, I agree that population are losing their virginity at very young ages, though what I more find is the problem is that culture aren't waiting until they're atleast in a commited relationship or until they're even mentally mature ample or really just ready for sex. It's disturbing to me because i do know so plentiful people who have done that. But yeah, what newly bothers me with this question is that it's unsophisticatedly pointing to any person and saying that apparently we can't love at this age and below any circumstance it's wrong.

And once you get to highschool, trust me, it's not just the guys calling that girls 'hoes', within are plenty of girls doing the same thing in the order of guys. Just that yeah, girls will still get the worst rep, but being a pubescent isn't supposed to be nice anyway..
I'm twenty now and lost my virginity when I was thirteen to a friend who be also curious about sex. I've respected myself and my body my whole vivacity, and we both knew exactly the decision we be making. We remained friends, never dated, until he left for college in another state a couple years ago. It's categorically not a decision to take insubstantially, because as fun as it is there's a lot of responsibility that comes with sexual stir. I've never regretted it for a second, and would certainly do it again. I'm actually pretty relaxed that I was able to gain that experience, because self the more experienced woman served me pretty well in abundantly of relationships.

Personally, I don't think sex should have much to do beside having high morals or that economy should necessarily mean one has illustrious self-respect. Sex is as natural as eating or breathing. When it comes down to it, humans are still animals. Sure, we hold nice cars and all kinds of interesting social infra-structures and hierarchies, but we're still animals next to animal instincts, and as soon as puberty hits, we want to mate. The good part is that mate doesn't have to mean producing immature in the modern day and age.

Having sex doesn't necessarily build a young girl a whore or a slut, and it really shouldn't. It's the way they treat themselves that does. Some inhabitants do it when they're not ready and then regret it, very well, then doesn't it make you thankful that they screwed up and you didn't? Not all guys look at girls and see a piece of ***. Most of them look and think, "Nice ***!" but treat women respectfully regardless. But you're fourteen, so adjectives men are still complete juvenile idiots and will be for the next four or five years. They don't think they hold power over you, they're just testing their boundaries within the little miniature reality that high academy creates before the real world busts their ball. Don't let it piss you off too impossible, it'll get better. And if it doesn't? Then hey. You're not a slut, so they don't have that power over you. The more you acquire pissed off about it, the more power you're giving them within your own mind. If they're not worth your time, then just agree to it roll off your back.

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