Who should I be going through puberty?
I'm recovered to a healthy weight and only just have any boobs!
I'm just wondering what is the age I should be getting my extent and other developments?
Answers: i think if you just stay strong you'll be fine...
your period will usually come
2 years after your breasts begin to develop
1 year after have discharge
and you usually starts your period around the same time as your mom did
signs that your length is coming...
you might be crabby
you might have cramps, backache, pain contained by your thighs, or headache
you might crave chocolate
you'll have spotting in your undies
congratualations on your taking back and god bless you.
i also had that problem, i started losing weight around the age of fourteen and i recovered to a somewhat of a strong weight, but then i dropped down again, but in a minute i am at a pretty healthy weight. I know it is different next to everybody, but by the end of my sophomore year, i was pretty clean, i didn't get my first really period until half-way through my senior year, so it be like a year and a half..i didn't really hold huge boobs, and i still don't have that big of boobs, but good luck if you do start soon!! :) anorexia make you stop growing, and developping,
cause the little energy you enjoy,
is used to keep you living.
so if your starting to recover,
conceivably you should wait 2-3 years?
anorexia is horrible :(
dont become anorexic again,
well if your anorexic that usually cause you to not have a period so if you be or if you still are that would be the reason so to become healthy gain some counterweight and you should be fine you should be getting your around this age and your breasts will grow overtime.i am glad that you are healthy now.