Who hate period?.?

i do!!

Answers:    Ooo...ooooo...me..mmeee!.
I did until I changed from pads/tampons to a lunette cup and cloth pads. I feel so much cleaner near the lunette in, and cloth pads don't contribute me a raw diaper rash. Using these different methods of protection give support to shorten my cycle too! Embracing your cycle has been specified to eliviate cramps!
I often wish I could stop mine altogether...

but since I stopped using tampons and pad and started using my Divacup it's gotten way better. I feel deeply cleaner and more in control of it now, and I don't discern as burdened by it..
sure i dont like it when i get mine, but i dont abhor it, when i get mine its a sign that im a healthy women, and contained by the future i have a kismet to start a familey of my own OMFG! YES YES and YES! i hate them! so annoying.
sheesh i have some friends that don't own there's and want it but i keep telling them that at hand sooo lucky not to have it yet. .
i find them annoying
because u find purely before a big advent it comes again
also its annoying cos u always have an idea that youve leaked and have to maintain checking in mirrors because your parinoid
I do!! and does anyone like them? if so, please speak so, and specify why please. Show me a woman that likes her period and i bet you she is Mental!.
i definately do!.. i'm pretty sure almost every woman does! I would enjoy to agree.
It would be weird if people enjoy them...
Everyone who doesn't i remember whn i had got mine for the first time i hought you just go it once in your entire go. lol.
I hate them too!
I'm coming on tomorrow
I Hate Them I DO!! .
only leak yuck you and me both!.
dont we all?

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