When women masturbate, do they become more turbulent?

I broke up with my boyfriend a little while ago, and my heart is broken... But I've moved on historic the crying-every-time-you-think-of-him phase. I'm starting to move on and even packed up adjectives of his stuff I had yesterday.

Today I was reading Cosmo, and that magazine other works me up, so I invested a little time into some self-pleasuring... I wasn't even thinking about my ex; I be fantasizing about another man and be completely satisfied. But a few minutes after I climaxed, I started crying!

Is this subconsciously related to my ex or is there something going on next to women's hormones or brain chemicals to explain my sudden pity party?

And no, it was not my first time to masturbate. I do it adjectives the time - especially since my ex was in the Air Force. A girl's gotta own some fun, right?
But it wasn't pain or anything... I just don't fathom out what triggered the sudden waterworks.

Answers:    It's hormones, sweetie. Along with the endorphins already mentioned, tons of oxytocin gets released into your blood at orgasm (it's what cause your nipples and uterus to do what they do then) and it can have a *powerful* effect on your emotions - including making you discern a sense of attachment or loss, and a sense of trust or betrayal. It's also the same hormone released while you're lactating and breastfeeding a baby: this wild effect is an important part of mother/child bonding..
You may be on to something. After a woman orgasms, ideally she's supposed to be within bed with the love of her life, completely relaxed, and prepared to cuddle. That was probably your body's natural response and later you started crying because you realized you were alone. Same piece happens to me sometimes, especially when he's gone because then I remember he's gone, you know? Were you sorrowful when you were crying? Climaxing does release a surge of hormones (mostly endorphins - the body's happy drug) that can trigger crying. I've unanimously only heard of it when a woman climaxes near a partner, but I'd imagine it's not unheard of in your luggage. It's doesn't really mean anything. It could even just be your body releasing pent-up stress..
Maybe it be the release of some stress, maybe it was memories of better times, I don`t know it was even a little guilt. I'm not sure the pretext matters though; getting over a relationship take time. Working through the emotion, whatever the cause, will support you get through it and feel better.

Best of luck..
It be simply the release of tension. You had be having a stormy time emotionally and tension have been building up. The climax of your masturbation broke the dam, as it be, and opened the floodgates. Interesting question! I totally agree near the answers of Monica and Huggy..
it may have just made you deliberate of some good times with him. it's ok that you cried! COngrats on moving on! Well sometimes it feel so good it makes you cry. Be jolly!

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