What would you do or give attention to if you walk into the girl's restroom and...?

you heard someone crying? I walked into the girl's restroom and I hear this girl crying. at first it sounded like she was trying not to cry later she pretty much just started crying really hard. I didn't know the girl so I only did what I had to do and got out.
What would you do or muse?

If you find hit within the breast (not so knotty though) is it deleterious?

If you're asking this because you feel bad that you didn't manage out to her, don't feel bad. Most of us probably would enjoy let her have her privacy too, esp. when caught contained by the moment. NOW, after the fact, when we have time to contemplate it, we might read aloud, "Oh, I would have tried to talk to her". But I can honestly voice, in my case, if I'd walk in on her in what be obviously a very scratchy moment for her, I would have been too anxious to say anything and left. And AFTERWARDS, I would own said, Gee I wonder if I did the right thing? Your reaction be normal. It's hard to know how to respond when our FRIENDS are surrounded by pain, yet alone when it's a stranger. And what if she'd said..."Mind your own business" Then you'd be ashamed and angry!

Sore vanished breast, could it be cancer?

I would let her get one near it. Wouldn't want to pry unless there was an clear sign that they are physically hurt. Usually people who cry in the bathroom want to be alone and own a good old cry to themselves.

I hold friends though who would think she was crying because they'd only just found out they were pregnant. Crazy eh?

Whats wrong near me?

I would have in recent times asked, "Hey are you ok? Do you need help?" See what she say. If nothing then I guess it's none of my business. But I would hold helped if I could have.

Why do ethnic group say aloud your boobs take bigger and you gain counterbalance when on birth control pill?

i would ask to engender sure she was ok make sure she wasnt hurt. ask if near was anything she needed and let her be. she may own just needed some space.

Girls Question??

I enjoy no armpit hackle?
I a short time ago needed to know from anyone.?
Female Masturbation Question..?
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