What it the morning after pill?


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it's an emergency form of contraception that women can use within 3 full days of sexual activity to prevent pregnancy. it's a sort of new form of contraception that should only be used surrounded by emergencies. the morning after pill is 89% effective. you don't hold to have a prescription to get the morning after pill and surrounded by the state of california you have to be 18 years old to go and get the pill from your local pharmacy, if you are younger you can get it with parental go-ahead with a prescription for your doctor. the sooner you take the morning after pill, the more potent it will be.

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Emergency contraception (also known as the morning-after pill) is a high dosage of the birth control pill. It is recommended to be used after sexual intercourse, over a extent of 72 hours, to achieve the goal of preventing (or ending) pregnancy. There are three different ways birth control pills are currently mortal promoted for this use: progesterone alone, estrogen alone, or both of these artificial steroids together.
These are the same steroids found in the typical birth control pill.
he emergency contraceptive/morning-after pill have three possible ways in which it can work (as does the regular birth control pill):

Ovulation is inhibited, meaning the egg will not be released;
The mundane menstrual cycle is altered, delaying ovulation; or
It can irritate the lining of the uterus so that if the first and second engagements fail, and the woman does become pregnant, the human being created will die since he or she can actually attach to the lining of the uterus.
In other words, if the third feat occurs, her body rejects the living human embryo, and the child will die. This result is a chemical abortion. (Abortion is an act of direct massacre that takes the life of a living preborn human being—a existence that begins at fertilization.)
let me know if you involve more info

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The "morning-after pill" or Plan B is an emergency hormonal contraceptive used to prevent pregnancy. It contains levonorgestrel, a version of the hormone progestin. Plan B is used to either stop a woman from ovulating, or if ovulation have already occurred, to stop the egg from implanting surrounded by the uterus. Sometimes it can stop a sperm from fertilizing the egg. It's available over the counter in the U.S. or by prescription.

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its also called Plan B, its the pill women whip after they've had unprotected sex and are not on the pill within within the first 72 hrs.. It can be purchased at Walgreen's or planned parenthood, if over 18. If younger need to bring a parent. It is can brand name you sick, so its best to actually be on the pill, and not have to call for to get the morning after pill.

Should I clutch the morning after pill/plan B?

the morning after pill is an emergency pill! if you have unprotected sex or if a condom breaks or u forgot ur usual pill etc - if he "goes" inside u at any stage you can be in motion get the morning after pill but it MUST MUST MUST be THE VERY NEXT MORNING! OR DURING THE NEXT DAY . you neeed to take 2 tablets 1 immediently and another a few hours after. the dr said to me it may construct u sick but i didnt get sick - and if u throw up after taking it at any stage during 72 hours you must return to the doctors as you may already be preggers. its not reccomended as ur only form of contraception.
you will involve to get a script from ur dr next get it at either the chemist or local hospital.
flawless luck

My extent?!?

you take the pill the morning after you have unprotected sex to keep hold of yourself from getting pregnant or if you are already pregnant by that point, you won't be anymore. it's got the nickname of the "abortion pill" and is massively controversial. you have up to 72 hours for the pill to effective.

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