What is it????????? :S?

Im on my period but a few minutes ago when I went to the toilet within was this enormous red blob on my underpants. It be about the length of my thumb and twice the thickness .. what was it??

Ps i know im not pregnant

Answers:    It is basically a larger lump of menstrual stuff.

Menstrual flow is not just blood; it’s also vaginal fluids, dead cell and bits of the uterus itself which is shedding during your period. You always own these little bits; it is just that sometimes they are bigger than other times. A lot of people call for these bits ‘clots’ but actually they are not as menstrual blood has a lesser amount of platelets than normal blood so does not clot the same course, if it did it would be detrimental to menstruation! But either way it is nought to worry about.

You may become aware of if you suffer from menstrual cramps they may be worse the bigger these pieces are, but you can prevent or cure menstrual cramps just the same as you would as a rule. You may also notice you may experience these lumps when your periods are heavier. Many women also find they concentration them more when using a menstrual cup or softcup rather than tampons or pads because they retribution more attention to their flow.

Menstruation, it’s a fascinating thing, lol :o).
It is a blood clot that forms sometimes when we menstruate. Nothing to verbs about. Sometimes you can go for months and not enjoy these, and then all of a sudden they appear. Don't verbs though, it is very normal. It is a blood clot which is average depending on frequency and size of clot. They are caused by a sloughing of the uterus and is nothing to verbs unless they worsen as described above..
I agree with all others it is a clot of blood and adjectives females have them during there term. Dont worry. If concern consult your dr. And see what he says. Then you will be at easied on your problem. Take carefulness my friend. This happens to me every period. It's only a clot of tissue coming off of your uterus lining. Nothing to verbs about. =).
It's matter or fabric from your uterus which is piece of the lining which is being broken down and coming out. Its only a normal part of your periode. Its a peice of your uterus bin liner. It happens to everyone dont worry :).
Dont verbs this happens to alot of women its just clots and clumps of blood or bits of your uterus A roomy blood clot probably, totally normal..
It might be a big blood clot. I think you should give the name your gynecologist an ask them.

Good luck!! .
It's just the lining of your womb don't verbs about it :) Just a clot. I hate those things. They look approaching big blobs of strawberry jam and are gross. Makes me never want to eat strawberry preserve ever again. It's normal though, so don't worry. .
Yummy lol, its in recent times a blood clot, dnt worry
x A blot clot that passed.
its simply a blood clot. which is nothing to verbs about, basically portion of your lining. totally fine and normal!
xxxxxxx purely a clot.
sound slike a clot of blood its ok it was a clot, not nice though, i know .
Everybody get those, they're like huge chunks of blood. (Gross, I know).

Don't worry something like it though..
Its just skin. Relax. its from your uranus oh its normal! don't verbs!.
I had the same ask!! Thanks for asking that 'cause I needed to know. lining from your uterus. its not all gooey. its just potential food for a child you dont have. no biggie...at adjectives

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