CAN any Gynocologists please lend a hand!!?
i ahd a injury i jupmed over a pole and it hit my clitorus hard but not that hard to own cuase soemthing i barely noticed very soon 2 months later my clit is torn all the process to my uretha the whole where i pee my clit feel alll dead i and it doesnt feel approaching a ball like it used to help out what do you think will i need surgery will i ever hold my clit back to normal please oblige!!
Answers: I grain unexpected around this guy?
YOu should have went to the doctor as soon as this happen. I suggest you call YOUR Gyno and set an appt. asap.
Unprotected sex a bit more than 10 days ago. around 13 i ruminate. spotting brown blood concluding two days.?
I might be able to assistance but I would need a little more detail.
In any event yo ushould see a Gynaecologist as soon as practicable.
What does this miserable?
Is it bleak if your 2 days over your time?
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