What does my pap smear results that get mail to me mean>???
Answers: They might have found trace of blood?
Sometimes the smear doesn't work the passageway it should. If they aren't asking you to go in right in a minute, it's nothing to worry in the region of.
They'll try to get a better sample at your subsequent appointment..
Guess it mean your results didn't show anything abnormal, contained by order to exclude any possibility they ask to repeat the test surrounded by your next appointment, just within case..
what you seem to hold beside the result might be - observing blood?!
(which might be the only cell they seen on the microscope beside normal tissue.) - that's why check is done on period free days. but otherwise all be normal. :)
I would recommend you to believe the best, after all, it be readable test which looked normal :) well-mannered luck :).
Sounds like you began to bleed during the pap smear and they be unable to read the slide. This basically routine they couldn't tell squat from your test. If you are worried be in motion get another done, if not attain another next year. ?