What are my likelihood?
Answers: Pretty low. Yes, pre-ejaculate contains sperm and you can get pregnant at any point within your cycle, but realistically, you need to have an egg present to go and get fertilized. In a 'normal' 28 day cycle you ovulate around cycle day #14 (cycle sunshine #1 is the day your last interval started).
You had sex on cycle day #24. The egg is probable to be long gone and you are actually due for your period any minute presently. If you haven't had your period within another week, I'd consider getting a home pregnancy test (use first morning urine, it is stronger from a hormone point of view).
Really though, your odds are rather low. You should be seeing auntie flow any moment now.
good luck!
Probably in the region of 50 / 50. Any time you have sex, even with a condom in that is a chance. A broken condom really increases the chances. Pre-ejaculate contains satisfactory sperm to impregnate you. Your bf showering means nothing. A dirty man can cause you pregnant just as fast as a verbs man. VERY little. Just take a pregnancy test if you don't extension up getting ur period this month. Good luck!
Please answer mine: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;....
well pre *** can still bring in you pregnant. chances? well it matter how long a (We noticed a "few seconds" later) was 10-15 secs following is pretty high 1-5 maybe 6-9 50/50 Very small. I other have unprotected sex and he only pulls out- I haven't gotten pregnant surrounded by 2 years of doing this..
very low but possible it is possible