WhAT ARE THE SIGNS OF ovulation??

Answers:    Symptoms of ovulation that can give you an indication when you might be ovulating.

These symptoms include the following:

* Mucus changes - about two weeks before menstruation, an ovulating woman may notice slick and slippery mucus (this is usually if you have around a 28-30 day cycle).

* Abdominal pain - some women experience pain during ovulation. The pain may be general or localised to one side of the abdomen.

* Premenstrual symptoms - ovulation may accompany premenstrual symptoms such as breast enlargement and tenderness, abdominal bloating and moodiness.

* Temperature rise - women who use a natural family planning method of contraception will notice a small rise in their basal temperature after ovulation has occurred. The temperature rise is about half a degree Celsius. This temperature rise does not predict ovulation - it suggests that ovulation has already taken place.

For more information on charting and keeping track of your ovulation, check out this great website:




I hope this helps. Good luck :).
Hornyness heavy, creamy discharge.

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