Vomiting Blood after plan B?

About 3 weeks ago me and my bf had unprotected sex. The next sunshine I had taken the plan B pill. A few days after that I had gotten my length, which was heavier and lasted almost 2 days longer than normal I took a pregnancy test, which come out as negative.. It seemed approaching everything else went back to middle-of-the-road but then last hours of darkness I threw up, there was blood surrounded by my vomit and this morning I woke up to an EXTREAMLY heavy period, lower stomach distress lower stomach swelling. I went to the hospital (just got put money on as a matter of fact) and they are completely oblivious to what is going on. Anyone experiance this before, and should I be as worried as I am?

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i doubt it have anything to do with plan B but if i were you i'd construct an appointment with your doctor to run some blood tests. If it be a side effect of Plan B it would've happened earlier. Plan B does mess beside your cylce which would make your period longer and more severe for a couple months.

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NOT NORMAL. Vomiting blood have nothing to do with any type of birth control or pregnancy. You should see a doctor unbelievably soon.


Holy crap, see a Dr.!
I can't believe the hospital blew this off. Something is very, exceptionally wrong. gastric ulcer, clotting disorder, I don't really know.

Is this average?

It's NEVER normal to throw up blood. You inevitability to see a Doctor, not womenanswers.org. Please, this could be serious!

First time interview?

god thats gross

be careful

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Please enumerate reason why someone would throw up and perceive super sick previously their period?
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