Is it majority?

I've recently started fooling around with this guy I've like for a long time. I've had some sexual partners within the past some of them good some of them desperate, but what happened the other night be a first for me. We were fooling around, not having sex but touching respectively other, and I guess I ejaculated. It was a pretty intense experience. This have never happened to me before. I guess it's usual. Or quasi normal. I'm not a slut or a virgin, I've been sexually stirring for about 10 years had around 10 partners. But this is the first time I've ever had such an intense orgasm.

Girls have this ever happened to you?
Guys, have you ever made a girl ejaculate?


T.B skin exam cynical?'s discovered you "g" spot

Please help out my imperial mother she is hugely sick and doctors hold no answers?

It's quite normal, does not crop up to every one though. I'm just surprised that it did not happen sooner contained by all the years that you have be sexually active.

Feel similar to peeing like mad and bleed for a time?

it's never happend to me but i have hear about it. it's normal. some guys really verbs it too. tell him he should be flattered.

Help please!?

woah thats never happened to me

Question roughly speaking bleeding after sex?

Why is my vagina still bleeding?
Pain and excess discharge? Please backing?
How come no milk comes out of ?
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