Vaginal odor after ovulation, what does this be set to?

I noticed that my girlfriends vagina has a tremendously weird smell to it now. It's knotty to describe the smell but it just smells weird. I've never smelled this odor on her up to that time.

My girlfriend was ovulating last week and her finishing day of ovulation was sunday and the subsequent monday was when I had a smell.

Is this everyday? Could this mean a yeast infection, pregnancy, or is this normal?

Answers:    this is most probably due to hormone fluctuations,cause different smells during her cycle,you say she ovulated last week?so she should be due on her extent soon,so this is most probably the cause,as her body is gettin ready for her time,if she doesnt have itching or cottage cheese like discharge consequently i doubt its a yeast infection,pregnancy may be the cause though,so if no period,carry a test,this is completly normall though so tell her not to verbs about it!just find her in the shower before man dirty lol
have fun xxx.
The scent of a woman's genitals changes somewhat bit at each stage of her cycle... but some things about it should remain more or smaller amount the same.

I'm a cook, so the only things I can really compare the sound smell of a vagina/vulva to are foods and such... and the nearest I can think of is a fairly mild combination of fresh oysters and grated truffles - usually more on the sea-like side, but not "fishy" and clearly not unpleasant. It often smells a little stronger when she's sexually aroused, but not other.

If the fluid there is clear or slightly milky, slippery to maybe for a moment sticky, and smells "earthy, animal and a little like the ocean", it's almost absolutely healthy and good. If it smells truly fishy or otherwise doomed to failure, it's probably an infection and she might want to see a doc..
it could mean a number of things.. your "friend" should move about get checked out by a doctor... because sometimes abnormal odors from the vaginal nouns can be a sign of a std.. It could be perfectly normal, only just a little stronger than usual.

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