Weight-gain on Implanon - how can I lose this again!?


I'm on my second implanon implant, I had nothing problems with the first one, but since having the second one put surrounded by about 4 months ago I have put on substance in the region of about 35lbs. I freshly cannot believe how much weight I have put on within such a short space of time! I started a good programme about 16 weeks ago, exercising 5 night a week, really cutting down on what I eat (though, individual honest I didn't eat a ton before), but nothing is arranged. Is weight-gain caused by contraception gained plump or is it like water-retention? Is there anything i can do to relieve shape up again other than continuing with what I'm doing? I own no problems with the implant except this and since I really don't want kids, I like that it is the most effective (reversible) form of contraception. Any suggestion would be most appreciated! I feel so conned, if I was going to put on this amount of counterweight I would have liked to delight in some more cake and chocolate and make it worth it :O)

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The weight gain cause by contraception such as with Implanon or the pill is mostly water. You can try a diuretic for a time to see if that help but I would recommend checking with your doctor first to see what they say.

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i would procure your doctors opinion. It seems strange that you would own weight gain this time but not with your first? Maybe you own an underlying problem and it is just a coincidence that it times in next to the implanon.

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