Using Depo Provera.

My doctor gave me a prescription for depo provera but first I need to know more almost its' side effects...
Will I gain too much weight even if I eat matching amount, like will the gained cargo be noticable? I need to know the details.
I've also heard it affects my bones too, how so? Will I be weaker than I am in a minute?
In order for my periods to stop, do I hold to keep getting the shot EVERY 3 months??(Meaning, if I stop getting the shots will I get the period back?)
I am actually awfully scared...
By the way,Im 21

Answers:    I'm on depo hold been since i was newly about 16 I'm 18 now so merely over 2 years. my period stopped instantly but for some they still experience some bleeding like my sister she still get a small period every once in a while. i didn't gain to much mass maybe 10 pounds but for me that was forceful weight i was one and only like 110 when i started it, in proclaim to be protected by this B.C you have to have the shot every three month or thirteen weeks. bone density loss is a factor to i don't conjecture it is much of a factor when you are younger and if you are active and have a strong diet full of dairy, i take 2 calcium tablets as well everyday simply to be sure. i have also heard that depo can contribute to miscarriages and surrounded by some rare cases some women can never become fertile again. i don't no how true this is but if you are planning on becoming pregnant within the subsequent year or so i would just go on the pill. it can thieve anywheres from 3 months to a year for the side effects to wear off and for your body to readjust and become fertile again. any who that's what i no about it. I'm on it and I'm in fact scared to come off immediately that i haven't experienced a period in over 2 years.
I'm 22 and I've be on it for about nine months, and I really like it. I DID spot sonstantly for the first four or five months, but after that, nought. I haven't had my period at adjectives and haven't gained any weight on equal diet I had before I get the shot. MY doctor said that a lot of people use the shot as an excuse to gain mass, and that the average weight gain form it should be only nearly five pounds over a one year period. It stops your periods and yes you hold totake it every three months in order for that to appear, and if you stop taking it thought, it could take up to a year for your period to return. Calium loss and bone density loss have only been reported contained by cases in which the shot was used for over two years, so if you use it smaller number than that, you'll be fine. i was on the depo shot for 3yrs. My doctor explained it to me..that the depo shot makes your body mull over its already pregnant so you wont get pregnant yes, you do gain weight. dont verbs you wont actually look pregnant..just a few lbs. My husband said the shot made me extraordinarily very very not sure in the order of the affect it will have on your bones. As for the period, you hold to continue to get the shot every 3 months surrounded by order for your periods to stop. Yes, if u stop the shots your term will come back. hope this helped!.
its different for every womanly. i didnt gain weight and i got pregnant while i be on it. my periods never stopped. if your on it for 2 years or more it can affect your bones. my friend was on it for 2 years and stopped getting the shot a year and hardly got her period put a bet on 3 months ago. she did gain ALOT of weight .

good luck ... if your still worried talk to your doc about your concerns.
When it's around time for my subsequent shot, I lose 5lbs, I guess because the depo is wearing off. I have fatigue, I haven't really gain weight, that I've noticed, except that I haven't lost anymore shipment.I went from 225lbs to around 147-155 at any given time. I have excess curls on my chest, stomach, and face. I feel tired most of the time( idea weak). You do have spotting, sometimes for a few days, sometimes just once.

On my first shot I bled for partly a month and then halfway into my final one I bled for 15 days, but not much at all. I use to have hard to digest periods and be very moody. I've lost the stout periods and moodiness, but now I'm considering switching birth control.. It's convenient but the certainty is that I am a woman and should be having a period every month and I"m not. Yeah, it feel like a curse to have period, and I don't like them but women are supposed to have them...

Even my boyfriend said, you haven't have your period in a while.

Also, the bone density issue is on my mind. It's recommended to not stay on the shot for more than two years, because of bone loss. The first shot be a shock to my system, in a bad course. If you're wanting to use it for a few months, ok, but for more than that I strongly discourage it. Actually, I wish that I would have taken something else.I'm afraid of switching, but I'm upset of what depo is doing to my body. It takes years for some women to get pregnant, after getting bad of it.

I'm very dry ( down there). I have to use lube ALL THE TIME. Please know what you're getting into.. I read the stories but I settled to take the shot anyways. I can't really recommend it.

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