Ummm..ya.unselective quiz?

what the heck is ovalation?????????

Answers:    Usually about 14 days after you start your period, you will drop an egg from your ovaries to your uterus. That is call ovulation. That is when you can get pregnant..
Ovulation is the process in the menstrual cycle by which a matured ovarian follicle ruptures and discharges an ovum (also known as an oocyte, female gamete, or unceremoniously, an egg) that participates in reproduction.

Strictly defined, the ovulatory phase spans the term of hormonal elevation in the menstrual cycle. The process requires a maximum of thirty-six hours to complete, and it is arbitrarily separated into three phases: periovulatory, ovulatory, and postovulatory.

Ovulation is when an egg is released from an ovary (the organ that produces the egg - right above and connected to the uterus). This happens approximately partially way through the cycle. For example, ovulation would happen on morning 14 of the cycle, as on average a menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, with the 1st sunshine of the cycle being the day after your interval ends, and the last day of the cycle self the last day of your interval (That's why women get their period approximately once a month). So ovulation would on average ensue 14 days after your period.

During ovulation, the egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube (which connects the ovary to the uterus). It is during ovulation that an egg can be fertilized by sperm. Fertilization (the sperm and the egg "come together") occurs when the egg is still surrounded by the fallopian tube.

For more information, you can email me, or go to

Let me know if it sounds too confusing. You need to own accurate information on this, so make sure you don't believe everything you hear. Just make sure the info you know is accurate..
when you release an egg, it's contained by the middle part of your cycle. If the egg isn't fertilized, then the blood pool liner the walls of your uterus that would have nourished the egg, sheds and that's your extent.
You may notice your vag get's really wet more or less half way between period
Ovulation induction is used when a pre-menopausal woman is wanting to become pregnant and is not ovulating for some reason.
I think thats it The fragment of your menustral cycle when the egg is released form the ovary

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