I'm 14, 15 surrounded by smaller amount than a month and?

I have not yet started my period :( is there something wrong with me??

Answers:    No unsurprisingly there's nothing wrong with you. Some start following than others. I had a friend who was 11 when she get her first. I was about your age as in good health..
Most girls start getting their menstrual periods about 2 and a partly years after they first start developing breasts. Most girls have their first menstrual period between the ages of 12 and 13, but some girls start as untimely as age 9 and others as late as 15 or 16.

There are several reasons why puberty may be delayed. Most regularly, it's simply a pattern of growth and development contained by a family. A guy or girl may find that his or her parent, uncle, aunt, brothers, sisters, or cousins developed later than usual, too. This is call constitutional delay (or being a behind bloomer), and it usually doesn't require any kind of treatment. These teens will eventually develop normally, only later than most of their peers.

Medical problems also can cause delay in puberty. Some people next to chronic illnesses like diabetes, cystic fibrosis, kidney disease, or even asthma may go through puberty at an elder age because their illnesses can make it harder for their bodies to grow and develop. Proper treatment and better control of many of these conditions can facilitate make delayed puberty less imagined to occur.

A person who's hungry — without enough food to drink or without the proper nutrients — may also develop later than peers who chomp through a healthy, balanced diet. For example, teens next to the eating disorder anorexia nervosa often lose so much immensity that their bodies can't develop properly. Girls who are extremely active in sports may be past due developers because their level of exercise keeps them so lean. Girls' bodies require a persuaded amount of fat before they can step through puberty or get their periods.

Delayed puberty can also come about because of problems in the pituitary or thyroid glands. These glands produce hormones important for body growth and nouns.

Some people who don't go through puberty at the majority time have problems with their chromosomes (pronounced: kro-muh-soamz), which are made up of DNA that contain our body's construction plans. Problems beside the chromosomes can interfere with normal growth processes.

the average age for starting your period is between 12 and 15 but many people start since that and many people start after. its zilch to worry about. no, it shouldn't hold anything to do with the fact that your mum have a hysterectomy. it is true that if you spend a lot of time with someone later your body may latch onto the other persons hormones and you may menstruate at the same time. but if you haven't started your period and spend time round someone who has, you won't start unless you're ready to.
your body may only not be ready. give it a few more years and if you still haven't started and you're worried, later go and see your local doctor. i'm sure they will explain fully
good luck
Don't verbs, I was almost 16 when I started. It has closely to do with body weight - most girls start when they hit around 7 stone apparently. Just delight in the fact that your life is that little bit easier than the girls' around you! If you still haven't started within a year then go and see your doctor.

Edit: No, I don't give attention to your mum's hysterectomy will have had anything to do beside it - your body will just start when it's ready..
No, you're faultlessly fine. Girls can start their period as late a sixteen years feeble, maybe even older. Wait until your sixteen, and if you still don't find it maybe go try conversation to a doctor. You could always go see a doctor presently if you want to confirm that everything's alright, but chances are there's nothing wrong, you're newly going to start a bit later. Trust me, once you have it you'll be wish you didn't, lol. when you turn 16 then go and see our doctor. within a way your lucky because periods are smelly and messy. everyone starts at different times. my little sister started when she be 11 and i started when i was 12. its true when you live with another woman or girl for a long time your period come round the same time. You send smells or signals to respectively others bodies telling your periods to start at equal time. .
Every body is different. Because you are petite, this is the most likely cause of your period not starting. If you haven't had one by the time you are 17, then some test need to be done. Until then, don't verbs. Honestly your normal! Im 14 and i was te first to start out of my friendship group and loathed it! Your lucky not to have one babe! One of my best friends hasnt started and shes the same age as you! So no call for to worry! Its normal!.
no youll be fine. i know its prob a bit crushing for you but think about it this route all your friends will have years more of misery and all the annoying things that go next to a period than you will! If you havn't started by the age of 16 maybe you should see your doctor. I started when i be only just 12. I would voice your lucky. .
I dont think so.
i know some that didnt start until they were almost 18.
Everyones body is different.
Just make available it time trust me its nothing to look forward to.
Noooooooooooo nothing wrong doll, dont verbs they will come and you will wish they never had! lol

I be real early have mine (11) but my sister was 16, we are all different thats adjectives xxxx.
NO! your are just fine. i starte mine before my 16 year matured cousin.

its diffrent for everyone.

just always remeber that EVRYONE is diffrent!

If you are soaring and tiny,not well nourished you may enjoy to wait one more year. Don't verbs,its normal.
wait until your 16 and if you still don't hold them then then stir to your doctor and they'll give you a tablet to start them up!.
NO, not at all! don't verbs, there are some people who even starts when they're 16, if you are really worried though, shift and see a doctor. Probably not I was 9 but I know ppl that are like 18 and still haven't started!

So dawdle till about 16 then check it out! Be indebted tho! :).
Some people start later on, my friend at college was the same. i bet you you'll start soon. Try not to come up with about it too much. You'll be fine! No there is nought wrong with you, some girls just start their period later than others.
lucky you, i started when i was contained by year 6 and truly hated. extremely late bloomer.
God, you should be joyful! I wish i was deferred i started at 13 and i hated it! No, just be appreciative!.
nah its fine, i know a girl who was 17!
:) no wait till 16

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