To any women that own have a mastectomy: Please narrate me almost it!?? Is it scarry? Any complications?

I have had 5 tumors surrounded by my breast. Now another - My surgeon wants to talk give or take a few doing a mastectomy. Just wondering about it from any women who have have one. Any more complications from it? How does it look? Were you very scared?? I am!! :( Since your mastectomy, any more tumors, or did it fix it for worthy?

Answers:    Tumors: benign or malignant?

My mother had benign (non-cancerous) tumors in her breasts and opt for double-mastectomy. She went into the decision fully informed and fully emotionally prepared near emotional counseling and support. As well, she opt to hold off on reconstruction until she have healed from the mastectomies. She used prosthetics until she was all set for reconstruction and you really couldn't tell the difference. Reconstruction give her natural-looking C-cups and she was satisfied near it.

I was very childish when she had them done (11 when she had #2 performed), but I don't recollect her being overly emotional in the region of the whole thing. She have one implant rupture (which is very rare), and the doctor did the replacement surgery in-office!

She never have another tumor problem after her mastectomies, so there is hope. If yours is malignant (cancerous), then you'll own a long road ahead of you, with the possibilities of complications from the chemo/radiation treatments, but the surgery is very routine. If yours is benign as ably, I urge you to research ALL of your options before opt for mastectomy. You can't put your breast back once it's done.just something to reckon on.

Good luck.

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