Thoughts/ Experience near Gardasil?

i Just got my first gardasil shot a few hours ago, and if i hadnt been sitting down already i would enjoy fainted, i completely blacked out for a few moments. It wasn horrible just fear-provoking and kind of funny for some reason.

im glad im protecting myself but honestly im so upset now that ive heard everyons allergic reaction about how its only 2 years mature, etc , no idea what the long term effects parents merely thought it would be smart because cervical cancer is in my family and im something like to go to college.

Answers:    well you cant be positive of long-term effects (lets hope in attendance isnt any because i already finished with my tree shots :P )

but you shouldnt worry more or less it. any chance that you get to protect yourself from cancer you should pilfer.

&as for the whole dizziness, its not abnormal. i be dizzy also and my arm was really sore after my first shot to the point where i couldnt elevate it. but with the second and third shots i didnt have any side effects.

so lately dont listen to everybody about the long-term side effects..youve ggot your life to live & im sure if near was a chance of the long permanent status effects being that awful they wouldnt offer the shot.

accurate luck (:.
heyy im 15 and i got my gardasil shots last year(when I be 14). honestly...the shot hurts. but even thoguh the actual shot hurt me a lot i had no long-term effects at adjectives. i did feel a little woozy after i get each shot but only rite after i be getting up. try getting up (out of bed, out of your chair,etc.) slowly. also, when you do feel resembling you are "blacking out" (this happened to me too) just sit down and close your eyes for a few minutes.

one time when this happen my mom called my doctor because she got worried when i told her and the doctor said it be no big deal at all. she said it of late meant that i was for a while low on blood sugar because of the injection.

Hope this helps!

i had it done closing summer or a little before that and i have no side effects with it. dont worry. if it runs surrounded by your family then i believe its a great idea that you are getting the shots. idk about the blacking out slice.maybe you were merely worried, does this usually happen with shots for you? im no doctor but i know alot of girls who own gotten it and no side effects for them. ive had the shots... i haven't experienced anything since i had my second one, which was months ago. the first one is bad, but the second one is worse, by the means of access. by the third one, it didnt even bother me because i had gotten my wisdom teeth pulled and i have torn a chunk out of my knee in an fluke, so shots dont bother me anymore.

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