The end time I get my time be almost three years ago! What should I do?

I'm only 15 and I have not have an sexual relationships with anyone. I don't know what to do. I'm scared that I might die because of this.

Is it average to be single and horney everyday to the point you use a toy? I verbs it's too much..?

First,Talk to your mother. She should know what is scheduled to you and ask her to make an appointment with your doctor. Your doctor will any sent you to a women's specialist or for check-up. Right now, do not worry or stress.. Stay calm down.. Have you lost a lot of weight, if you hold this could have stopped your period, but it is best to hold your doctor give you a check-up and until you do, do not worry. God Bless.

I get bumps after shaving down at hand for the first time abet?

Some girls are starting period just at 15. How come you did not have your term 3 years? Does it means you have regular period at 11-12? If yes - you need a doctor. Absence of the periods during 3 years call amenorrhea which could have several causes approaching hormonal disturbances, dramatic weight loose, genetic diseases. But don't worry, it is purely diseases which could be treated. You need to go to your doctor for full diagnosis and treatment.
Your ovaries should produce follicles and grow eggs ever month (see in and it is very momentous for your health and for your future pregnancies.
Be Healthy and Happy

Periods Stink!?

Have you lost any freight recently? Women only gain their period after reaching a certain BMI. It's possible that you fell below the right BMI for your body which would stop your time of year. Talk to a parent or just go to a local clinic and receive checked out.

Weight Problem?

you are not going to die, just probably get checked up rationale i have a problem with my time of year too it like goes rotten and on so don't worry about it too much.

Missed pill and really sore boobs. Please relief if you can?

1. Go To The Doctor
2. you probably aren't ingestion enough/excersicing too much without nuturishing yourself. once again go to the doctor because merely they can really find out what is going on with your body

Is it true that when you are on your interval caffeine is bleak for you and cause cramps?

I think you should be in motion to your doctor to get it checked out.

How can i carry bigger boobs??


I've be depressed lately?

Have your mom take you to the gynecologist. I've never hear of this, but if you feel okay, you are probably all right.

Could it be my thyroids...please facilitate!!?

Weird bleeding.?
Ok, i have my second child 11 months ago, 8 weeks after he be born, i have a tubel ligation,?
Masterbaiting tips?
  • What could motivation these vein?
  • Can taking the first row of birth control pills stop your interval?

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