Tested for Birth Control

Is there any particular blood oral exam that you can take to figure out what birth control is best for you? Or is it more of a trial and error sensitive of thing? I forget the name of the first pill I took, but it wasn't successful because I got pregnant, (even after taking it faithfully for 3 months!) Then I took that d*** Depo privera shot, and be on the rag for the whole 3 months that it be effective. Not to mention the weight gain, and mood swings. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answers:    Unfortunately, it's all trial and error. And sadly, some doctors will prescribe doesn`t matter what pill they're being paid incentives for. Pharmaceutical reps come to their office with a big box of Yaz or whatever and the doctors can tender out samples and write you a prescription. What they don't tell you is that every woman's body handle birth control pills differently. And they're EXPENSIVE. Technically, no pill "makes" you gain weight. The hormones do make you more hungry though and if you don't control yourself, you could gain bulk. But an equal number of women lose weight, too.

I used Yaz for 3 months and had my time the eeeentiiiire time. I lost about 10 lbs b/c it made me throw up every day-- mainly lost solidity from my disappearing breasts. It also gave me horrible migraines every day almost an hour after I took it.

Then I switched to Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo-- AMAZING. I had no problems whatsoever. I got put money on to my normal weight, my acne cleared up (for the most part), and I have no negative side effects. After a year on that, it was getting too expensive ($48/month). So my dr give me 3 month sample packs of Loestrin 24-fe. That same year, my best friend called me to tell me she be pregnant and that she conceived while she was on Loestrin 24-fe. So I didn't use it.

My dr then wrote me a rx for a generic of OTC. I used it for a month and go to the ER with "stroke like symptoms". They said it be damaging my heart. So I stopped using the pill entirely. Now my husband and I use condoms and count the days.

Good luck!

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