Strange Lumps?

So I get these lumps on my legs right along my bikini line. They are in attendance for like 2 or 3 days and then they step away. They are sometimes painful. Does anyone know what these could be?

What is the best channel to run down mass after have kid specially C-section and breastfeeding too?

if they are red and visable from above the skin they could be ingrown hairs. this is cause by your hair growing inwards into the follicles around it. these dont usually require treatment and go away contained by a week or 2.

if they feel like they are beneath the skin and are larger and no color around them they could be swollen lymph nodes. lymph nodes are part of the immune system and protect your body from infection or cancer.

if you need any aid or have questions email me :)

appropriate luck!

Uterine prolapse??

Do they show up right after you finish shaving...if so, they are razor bumps. This area of your skin is thoroughly sensitive, you may want to get some type of shaving gel to use before you shave.

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