Somebody abet me next to this early!! plz!!?

The past few days ive been have cramps, and i constantly have the urge to urinate,but when i do sometimes little or nothing comes out.and very soon i am bleeding, and im not sure if it is my period or it ties in beside the other symtoms. i think i have a uti?or a kidney stone?or bladder infection or something???

Answers:    It could be a bladder infection; final year I had no pain, but have blood in my urine, and the doctor said it was a bladder infection. Earlier that year, I have severe abdominal pain but no one could numeral it out, and AFTER the bladder infection cleared up, I had the pain again, but nil was found, again. It happened again, 6 months after, and it be a huge kidney stone. So, it could be any of the things that you mentioned, and it is best to go see a doctor to see what they think your symptoms are, and what is wrong so it can be treated as expected..
Very likely a UTI. You'll feel your pubic nouns getting heavy when the infection spread up to the kidneys. The bleeding mean it's within the bladder already. Go to the doctor now don't wait.

I found drinking cranberry liquid one cup a day can prevent UTI very effectively..
Sounds similar to a UTI. Go see your doctor to get antibiotics before it spreads to the bladder.if you enunciate you are bleeding than it might have already spread there. Just dance to the doctor to be sure everything is ok. Is your urine bloody? Sounds like a UTI or kidney infection, visit the Dr. for antibiotics.
Sounds similar to a UTI (bladder infection). Go to the doctor. go to the doctor immediately. I'm thinking its a kidney stone.
its most promising an ifection.. go to the

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