Period prbs, assistance me :(?

im 13 & on my 6th period (not 6th day). im usually active w/sports & adjectives, but everytim a period starts, i just pace around the house all day. i return with these cramps and they really hurt. i've had 2 cancel profusely of my things. my mom says to drink warm tea and 2 preserve my stomach warm, but they don't help tht much. it stops hurting for abt 30 min, but later it starts again. how can i mak it stop hurting so much?

whenever i do move around, the blood gets everywhere and its really annoying. i wana stop using pads, but im scaried to use tampons. lik is it gana hurt? wat would come up if i leave it in for too long? wat if i put it surrounded by the wrong hole?

wat can i do to stop the blood from spreading when im sleeping?

Answers:    Tampons don't hurt at all! It may be a little self-conscious the first couple of times you try, and it will take a few tries to get it in recent times right, but once in place they don't hurt at all. You can't even consistency them. I don't think you'll hit the wrong hole; you'll know right away if you hit your anus because it'll feel resembling going to the bathroom, and your pee hole is too small. If you're just not sure where it is, it's no big operate! This is going to sound gross, but it works: Wipe off really right, then look in the mirror and keep watch on where the blood comes from. You can get toxic shock syndrome from departing tampons in for too long, but TSS is really rare and in this day and age, you can wear tampons for a long time. Just read the directions! Playtex tampons or kotex, in my opinion, are the easiest to hold when inserting.

If you do start to use tampons, I deem you will find that sports will help your cramps a LOT. Even if it's just walking, physical hustle and bustle is a really good way of easing those cramps. If you're still using pad and want to try it but are worried about the blood, just do some aerobics or stretches contained by your room! It'll help so much!

Try overnight pads for when you're sleeping, and wear dimness colored shorts to bed. It may still leak, but having the longer pad helps when the blood goes towards the front next down your *** lol they helped me a lot.

Good luck!.
Hey trust me, tampons are the switch to surviving a period. They make it seem to be like you aren't even on your period at adjectives! Like a magic eraser, and of course it doesn't hurt. If it did, who would want to use them within the first place? It doesn't take much to get used erudition to put in a tampon, and when you get the swing of it, it won't be a problem to worry about. It does hurt if you do it wrong, but read the instructions, and you'll be only fine. Ok cramps is just all apart of have a period. But the tampon thing consult to you're mom about it. The two holes down there are far spaced so within isnt really going to be a chance that you put it in the wrong hole. I didn't start using tampons till i be 15 , and they were very self-conscious at first i just had to go and get usto them. You have to change them acoring to the driections on the box or you risk TSS toxic shock syndrom and it can be completely serious!
First you should take some sort of tylenol or aspirin.
The cramps will go away when the pills kicks in.
You can also return with a heating pad and lay it on your lower tummy.
It will relieve the cramps.

Second, if you haven't had sex it will hurt a little.
If you are afraid nearly using them, or are interested about how they work or what could happen you should read the warning on the paper that comes in the box.
With tampons, nearby is a warning about Toxic Shock Syndrome. Read just about it.
I use them, and haven't had a problem.

Hope this helps:]..
ha tampons don't hurt dont verbs. and you wont put it in the wrong hole. my first time using tampons i read the directions in the box (read them you will be fine) and the likelyhood of gettting tss (if you give up it in for more then 12 hours ) is outstandingly rare. ive left mine within for more then a day.

Use tampons when you sleep and a wipe.

And for the cramps, id say purloin midol. idk what i would do with out it!.
Ok, where a wipe when you go to sleep.
And buy some medicine call, Naproxen Sodium, you can get it at Wal-Mart, or you can try Midol. Eat bananas, they do help cramps, and preserve drinking warm tea even though it doesn't help that much. But when you move about in pblic, where a tampon, so the blood will stop spreading.
Hope this help!.
Midol is your new best friend.
or some other PMS medicine.

Tampons don't hurt.
in that are different sizes for different blood flows.
there are instructions in the box and its assured. =)
but pads are usually best when you sleep...there is a risk of tss( toxic shock syndrome) from wearing tampons but its small.
you'll know when to exchange them. usually every 4 hours.
and wear pant liners.

you probably feel tired because of fatigue...that can sometimes take place when on your period..
midol to make it stop hurting

tampons do not hurt. the lone tampons that hurt for me is playtex (the super size) because they spread out 360 so it hurts to get out. so when you use tampons use tampax pearl they are for younger people similar to use.

um to keep blood from spreading put tissues where your pad aren't at on your underwear.. if that makes sense? i used to do that before i started using tampons..
wow, you hold a lot of questions! let see...

Being lazy, and just wanting to sit around is VERY conventional! I'm the same way. Cramps are similar to HELL! it's horrible, i know. What I do when I have cramps is take Midol, Advil, Tylenol, anything that i can find contained by my house that is a pain slaughterer. (only take 2!) If they don't work, then I put away bananas, which may sound weird but they truly help. try a hot bath, not shower. I enjoy my boyfriend put his hand on my stomach, he has super melt hands and can manipulate vivacity to make the pain turn away. he's only done it once, but it helps. i don't know if you hold a bf, or not. sorry. hot tea helps a lot!! and also a heat pad, or a hot wash clothe. you must enjoy a VERY heavy period, wow! tolerate me think... the only reckon that you can really do is wear tampons, i guess. And DO NOT WORRY! you WON'T put it in the wrong hole!! ANd if you leave it contained by for too long, it's not a MAJOR deal. if you leave it within for an hour or more extra then your supposed to, it's no big deal. if its within longer than a day, BAD! you could get TSS. Tampons don't hurt at adjectives! if you insert it the right way, then it won't. i swear. i be worried about the same presume when i first put one in, and now adjectives i use are tampons. you can't even feel them!! :D :D while your sleeping, you can't really stop the blood. But you can get overnight pad, which are extremely long. or what me and my friends do it put two pads one. like <><>(pad 1, later pad 2.) it really does work! GOOD LUCK! :D .
buy Midol, use extra strenght if in greatly of pain, also advil/tylenol should work.

it took me forever to finally brave up and use tampons, you can still use pads only just fine if you're active in sports [except probably surrounded by swimming and gymnastics] just make sure to use a fresh wipe before you exercise and afterwards since usually running & jumping around make a little bit more come out than when you're just sitting/walking.

I find that drinking melt stuff doesn't not help me much but this works better: buy some of those heat patch and put it on your belly, just not directly on your skin but over your undies or a long fitting cami shirt. also, if i'm slightly hungry it make it seem like i'm hurting more, so devour something when it hurts.

to not make a mess nighttime you're still supposed to wear a pad or tampon nighttime, they also vend especiall night-time pads but i don't close to it much.

as for tampons, they can't go into your urethal opening, it's solitary as big as a pencil point or smaller so it wont fit, and you would know if it was going into your anus. make sure you read the instructions for tampons, it help, and it will answer your questions/fears. maybe ask your mom/sister for help.

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if at home you can just fill up a marine bottle w/ hot tap water and put it on your belly..
For cramps I whip Tylenol and that usually takes away the pain for a few hours. Hot baths are nice and sometimes I use a hot hose down bottle.

Tampons aren't scary once you know what you're doing. You'll know if your sticking it up the wrong hole. That would actually really hurt if that happen. For me I just kinda tried and it went contained by. And you should change your tampon every 8 hours at the longest. When your period is robust you usually change them before that.

Try getting some special overnight pad with wings. They are longer than the regular ones and the wing will make a big difference. Once you get the hang down of tampons you can use those overnight as well just as long as you put a brand new one in right before bed and give somebody a lift it out when you wake up. .
Have you tried midol? It helps along beside the heat on ur stomach. Also, as for tampons, if you do decide to try them grasp the SUPER SLIM ones, they shouldn't bother you much. Do not leave it in too long it can rationale serious health issues. And as for the wrong hole, you wont do that, you know ur body and you will know before u ever catch too far into putting it in if it is where it should be. If u put it contained by at the wrong angle, it will hurt tho.
My suggestion on the spreading while you sleep is...if u do decide to use tampons, use a tampon plus a pad, it should backing cut down on it some. Also, always put something under you while sleeping.
If this problem persist, I recommend you ask your mom to please get you in to see a gynocologist.

Good Luck!!.
worthy cramp remedies are hot water bottles and heating pad. do you know those adhesive heating patch athletes use for muscle aches and pains? well they own a kind for women with cramps. advil is virtuous too.

Lots of girls use tampons. It might hurt if your...hole... is a bit too small. You risk infection if you leave it in more than eight hours. You are supposed to vary it every four hours. Also it may begin to smell if you leave it surrounded by too long. but most women have no problem with this. It is impossible to put it surrounded by the wrong hole. your urethra is much too small and your anus would cause so much discomfort that you wouldn't even try to get it surrounded by. I think there are tampons society have invented for nighttime..
Okay, for the cramps I suggest pamprin or midol, maybe try taking a melt bath to relax. If the blood is getting everywhere perhaps your not applying the wipe in the correct spot on your underwear. Tampons are really not that bad at adjectives and they leave most people inkling a lot cleaner and more active. Be sure to buy the right size tampon for the appropriate time of your extent. For the night time I suggest using overnight pads near wings to make sure they stay surrounded by place. If you know you sleep on your stomach apply it higher in the front consequently normally you would. If you sleep on your back move it fund more. And for putting the tampon in the wrong hole. You only enjoy two holes down there either your vagina or your bum. So it is effortless to tell. Good Luck!

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