Sleeping to much???

when i sleep i dont hear things, my bedroom is near the front door and i will sleep through ppl coming in and out of the front even ppl simply outside my room talking i wont wake up and these ppl aren't that noiseless and even when im asleep my mobile will get a message and it is really loud and next to my chief and i wont hear here it.

can any 1 give me any ideas as to why i sleep surrounded by such a deep sleep that i dont hear anything???

Answers:    This is actully a good thing- it probally resources that you are getting restful nights sleep and that you are going threw all the stages of a R.E.M cycle. My boyfriend is matching way- he could sleep thorugh "normal" sounds no matter how loud they are. He works for as a firefighter and sometimes doesnt hear the tones for the fire alarm (believe me those are loud) right away because he is use to them. Everyone is different, be glad that you sleep well instead of person exoseted from not being able vast or for long enough. There is nothing wrong next to you- your just one of the lucky ones!.
Lucky I wake up to a pencil dropping.
Perhaps you bring back to tired so you go into a deep wide sleep. Thats weird,... I bet you cant even use an alarm clock. I have no opinion why though..
you're just a heavy sleeper. its clearly normal. You are not a light's no problem.
your body is tired. sleep-sleep=sleep u will be optimistic later.

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