I've hear that fast can put past its sell-by date your interval for a few days...?

I've heard that is you quickly, your period will be smaller (in amount that you get rid of) or it might even not come for 2-3 days delayed. Is this true? Because I'm going swimming tommarrow and mine started at like 11:00PM last dark :[


Ok i lately started Ortho Trycyclen Lo and ive gain 3lbs?

Fasting will not delay your period, and is UNHEALTHY for your body.

I've worn tampons since age 11, I'm 34 presently. I love them.

Try Tampax Pearl Lites, they are slender and not uncomfortable at all!

You entail to wear tampons or a moon/diva cup or you WILL contaminate the pool with your blood. So if you have your term you either shouldn't swim, or use a tampon/moon/diva cup.

Why can't I orgasm?

It's too late in a minute, it's started and you can't change it. Plus it's be a terrible model to go swimming after starving yourself for two days. You should other eat healthily and regularly.
Just wear a tampon, be sure to change it in the past and after you swim.

Is in that any channel to intrinsically blow up your breast..?

for me excercising always makes it lighter... try that
hope i help =]

Urine Test?

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A tampon quiz?
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