Should I help yourself to another pregnancy exam?

Well April 15th I had unprotected test and later a couple of days later I started to feel nauseas sometimes material bad like I be going to throw up but didn't, but I thought it was just a slight stomach flu that be going around. I took a test like 2-3 weeks ago and it come up negative. But I still feel green about the gills but it isn't real bad I can perceive it just a little though. And a couple of days ago my breast and nipples own started to hurt, I have felt tingling morale in them since a couple of weeks ago though but they aren't any bigger I don't think so at most minuscule. But I thought that would have been to first piece to hurt if I was pregnant. I am very irregular beside my periods so I can't really say I'm tardy. My breast do however become sore before I get my term though. So I don't know what to do, if I should take a test or not. So what would you do? Please support, thanks!

What is the reson for my past due time of year..not pregnant?

Yes, but I would suggest having a blood tryout done, they are often more correct then the home experiment

Questions roughly speaking birth control?

First off, 2-3 weeks ago was channel before April 15th, April 15th was solitary not even a week ago. But anyway, you should wait at least 2 weeks after you have unprotected sex & these symptoms to take a pregnancy test that will be accurate, so dally about another week or so and take another HPT. You took the other one instrument too early. Good luck!

Embarresing quiz.18 or elder proceed please?

try another one a good luck

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