Sexual Bleeding? Ever occur to any of you ppl ? i entail serve i cant even relish my relationship anymore!! : (
oh yes ps. the subsequent day or sometimes 2 days after theres still like antiquated darker coloured blood coming from me.
Answers: I'd recommend that you see your doctor and get a full check up done.
It may certainly be him since you didn't have this problem with another partner, or it could be that he's bang your cervix or somehow damaging your vaginal wall and making you bleed during sex.
Don't mess with this.see your doctor. If you acquire a clean bill of health from your doc, consequently tell him he has to jump and get checked out. .
Definitely dear it"s from u, it is because of vaginal tear, which bleed during sex, secondarily, it also bleed next on, that"s why clotted blood comes out. Need not to worry, you should use some lubricant, u will get rid from your problem. Its adjectives with prostitutes.
It is not the size - it is the movement - ask him to slow down. Any bleeding after sex should be reported to your Dr and checked out. The fact that you enjoy a residual brownish discharge a day or so afterwards, means it is most probable coming from you.
The cause could be simple like dryness, range to Chlamydia and onto polyps, erosion and more.
Seriously, you need to consult a Dr.don't leave it, your vigour is too precious and believe me, he will have seen and hear it all before!